F i v e - Opera and glass do not mix.

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My past is complicated. It's kind of like all my mistakes, choices and just life in general, is an opera singer; and I am a champagne glass.

My sister leaves. Crack.
My parents fall off the grid. Crack.
My best friends betrayed me. Crack.
I became an agent. I shed what little remainder of the girl that I once was, she was hopefully gone and I accepted that. Crack.

I am not scared. I am just interested to see what happens when the singer has reached her last note, when the glass shatters. What will finally make me break?


I had stolen a motorcycle the day I turned sixteen on one of my missions. I technically knew how to drive a year before that but cars are too easy, motorcycles are more of my speed.

The rest of the day at school was pointless. This mission is pointless. And I haven't seen Ceraise or the rest of her group since lunch.

Have I changed so much that my old best friends and enemy haven't recognized me?

I had rode my motorcycle to school, so I had to take it to get back to the agency. I roll up in front of the building and park my bike in the spot that I had to fight for to become "my spot".

I take off my helmet and do that cool dramatic hair shake that they do in the movies, also I had to get rid of the crazy helmet hair.

I walk inside and head towards the elevators. I ride down to my room and when I open the door, I immediately plop on my bed. Aubrey wasn't in the room, meaning she was still on the mission from earlier or she was planning missions.

I was about to catch some z's when an impatient knock came to the door. It was one of those knocks that someone would do if they had to really empty their bladder and there was someone else in the washroom taking forever.

I choose to ignore it. A couple seconds later more knocking came, followed by a "Axelia!"

I know that voice is a very impatient Cody. I slowly get up and make my way to the wooden door.

I open the door, and it immediately flew open more than I expected it to, hitting me right in between my eyebrows.

I look up to see Cody with a sad look on his face.

"Cody? What's wr-" I try and say but he cuts me off.

"Axe," his voice trails off.

My head still hurts from the door, I touch my forehead slightly.

"What?" I smile.

He barges in and closes the door, grabbing my wrist and lightly seating me next to him on the edge of my bed.

"Um Cody, you're kind of freaking me out here buddy." I give a nervous laugh.

Why did he have such a sad look on his face?

"Axelia," he chokes.

I give him a raised eyebrow. He breaks contact and looks down at his lap.

He looks back up at me and clears his throat, "Axelia," he tries again, "Aubrey and I went on a mission and we had to go to this house and search for something."

I don't get what he is getting at so I say, "And?"

"I hacked into the wrong software." He said slowly, "and I um, I found a lead on an agent that went missing on a mission a while back."

He drops his gaze to his lap and then back at me, " I'm so sorry."

"What are you talking ab-"

"She's dead." He had an even sadder look in his eyes. I hated seeing him sad, especially when he was all jokes and sunshine all the time.

I knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Ayelet." I whisper. I wasn't saying it so he could confirm it, I was saying it because I am the only one who would probably care if she did die and I wanted to hear her soft name.

My eyes were staring straight at my picture wall. At her. My eyes were nowhere near Cody, but I could feel him nod.

I flinch at the sound in my head.

That was the sound of glass shattering.



I haven't posted in a while due to the fact that I went on vacation.

This is a short chapter, but six will be out soon.

And the picture above is Axelia's motorcycle.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed.

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Word count: 766

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