Chapter 3- Cell Phone Project

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David and Jack stood by their lockers, practically absorbed in the device in front of them as Racetrack stood off to the side.

"Talk to him." he said to his two friends.

They put down the phones to lay on the books in their hands.

"Why? We have a great text relationship."

"You know what's better than a text relationship?"


"Talk to him."

The two looked down at their phones after a beep.

Jack smiled down at his phone at the answer from his question, showing it to Racetrack.

Jack: where u goin

Crutchie: history. i sit behind u and Dave

The boy in question was sitting at the bench in the hall, staring at his phone too, his crutches in his lap.

Davey: & i sit in front of u !! :)

"He's right over there!" Race exclaimed to the lovestruck boys, wondering not for the first time how they even got their shit together.


"Things can go wrong over there, lots of things can go wrong over there."

"The only thing that can go wrong over here is if I go over there."

Racetrack, unfazed, pointed to the southern boy with sandy hair.

Both Jack and David put their books and phones into Race's arms.

Crutchie was still texting on his phone and both David and Jack crouched down behind the bench he was at.

Jack smiled at the boy who couldn't see him while David put his chin up onto the bench's backside.

Jack began mouthing words, no sound coning out and his boyfriend did the same.

Racetrack made a face at the two boys as they turned to him.

"Talk. To. Him." he mouthed, making hand gestures to emphasize.

Jack and David continued to mouth out the words to the clueless boy.

They pushed themselves up as Race kept making the face at them and they turned to him again, before turning back to the boy with the limp and smelled him.

They did it again, then turned back to their friend, both making an excited gesture by throwing up their hands in the air.

Race smiled at them as they smiled to him. He gestured for them to come back, both hopping up and doing so.

"How'd we do?"

Race handed them back their books.

"You smelled him."


"You smelled him is what ya'll did."

"I walk through life the way I walk through life."

"Can we please talk about this?"

They both grabbed their phones, walking into Medda's classroom.

Racetrack sighed, taking out his flip phone when it vibrated to see the two texts that was in their group chat.


He grabbed his bag from the ground and went into the room.


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