Chapter 5- Bulldozer In The Pink Sweater

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"Hey honey, what's for breakfast?"

Mayer stood in the kitchen doorway, having shaving cream on his face and a robe tide around him over his clothes.

Les appeared, looking the same way. "Hey honey, what's for breakfast?"

"Awww," Esther cooed, "looks like Les is trying to be daddy's little man."

"Yes," the boy said, "come over here and give papa a smooch."

Esther chuckled to herself as her son walked around his dad and the table.

"Oh yeah, come over here and give papa a smooch."

"No, I have to be at the court house early to settle a case and I really can't have- shaving cream on my face."

Les and Mayer kissed both of her cheeks, smearing the cream along them.

Les held out his hand. "Nice job."

"Pleasure doing business with ya." Mayer shook it.

They both grabbed towels from the side and someone buzzed the intercom.





David and Sarah came out from around the corner, the former pointing at the door.

"Those are our friends and my boyfriends."

"And those our my friend's and girlfriend."

The twins hopped off the step and onto the other, landing on the kitchen floor.

"I love my friends."

They hopped off onto the next.

"It's a sunny day."

"I love a sunny day."

"I love my friends."

Sarah pushed the button.

"I love my family."

"I love a sunny day."

David hugged his dad from the side.

"I even love going to school."

Mayer gave his wife a look and pointed to the twins.

"Okay, what's going on with them?"

"I don't know," Esther said, "don't do anything."

"I'm in a good mood."

David started snapping his fingers.

"This life thing, I think I got it down."

Jack, Racetrack, and Mush walked through the door and Esther got up.

"Racetrack, oatmeal."

"No thanks, Mrs Jacobs."

"Oh, I wasn't asking."


"Jack, Mush, you too."

"Thank you, but my mother already made me eggs, home fries, sweet toast, marmalade, and a strawberry shaped like a star."

Racetrack, who had sat on the bench next to Jack, who had sat down next to David, let the oatmeal drip back into the bowl as Mush sat down next to Sarah at the other end of the table and the whole table stared open mouthed at the brown haired boy.

"I'm going to the Meyers," Les said, "who's with me?!"

He stood up.

"Sit down, eat it please."

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