Chapter 12- Locket

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"Nice locket." Sarah said when they were in Medda's classroom.

"You likey?"

She held it up above where it was clapped around her neck.

"If history's about discovering the truth of what happened in the past," Medda said, after writing "TRUTH" on the board with the chalk, "we spend some time finding out what truth is."

"Where'd you get the nice locket?" Kath asked her.

Sniper put a finger to her lips and shushed her. "I come here to learn."

They skipped a beat before the trio started laughing loudly.

Medda clicked her tongue, "All through history, people have suffered consequences for telling the truth."

Sarah stared harder at the jewelry. "Is that real gold?"

Sniper shrugged. "Don't know. Doesn't matter."

"They all suffered dearly for having the courage to tell the truth."

"So, sometimes it's better not to?" Jack asked, turning to look at her to where she now stood in the back of the room.

"But, aren't there consequences for that, too, ma'am?" Crutchie asked.

"Yes, there are, Mr Morris. But, in my experiences with the universe, no matter what you do, the truth always finds a way of coming out."

The bell rang, and almost everyone started getting up, except for the trio in the back.

"So..." Katherine asked again, standing beside Sniper, "where'd you get the locket?"


"You were in France?"

"I Race from Italy, how is France so hard to believe?"

"Because, one, you don't speak French."

"Smalls does, though-"

"And, two, if you went to France, you would have brought Mush, Sarah, and I back croissants."

"Bing." she showed two different loafs and Sarah took one.

"Woop! Piping hot!"

Katherine smelled his loaf just as Sniper began walking to the door.

"Wait a minute." Sarah held up a finger, her mouth full of the bread. "Where did you really get this?"

"I found it on the street."

Sarah began spitting it into her hand and Kath threw hers in the trash.


"Come on," Katherine said as both she and Sarah walked out of the room and Sniper was closing her locker, the other two having their stuff in their hands, "where'd you get the locket?"

Snipes threw his hands up. "My father sent it ta me."

"He did?" Katherine asked.

"You don't believe me?"

"Did you just tell me?"

"I just told you."

"I believe you."

"So, this is over?"

"Like it never happened. I do," she said as Sniper began turning away, "have one question for the locket."

She picked it up and said loudly, "Where'd you get the Elizabeth?"

"You don't believe my father sent this to me?" Sniper asked, aggravation in her tone.

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