Don't Go Swimming in December

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When the sun bombarded me with its rays, I awoke begrudgingly, my head feeling like it was being repeatedly slammed against a wall.  I wondered vaguely how bad Jean's hangover was and found myself smiling softly before forcing myself to stop.  I shouldn't think that's funny.  He probably had a horrible headache.  I sat up with a groan and it felt like my brain had swollen inside my skull.  I found myself thinking there was no way Jean's headache was as bad as mine. 

But lucky me had to actually get up and start making breakfast while Jean could sleep in as long as he wanted.  I dragged myself downstairs and took a quick detour to the bathroom to search for some aspirin.  Of course, as was my luck, we didn't have any.  Nor did we have anything edible besides cereal and milk again and oh how I had messed that up last time.  I decided to make myself a bowl and make Jean's later when he woke up and I didn't forget to press start on the coffee machine.

I continued to read from where I left off while I ate, keeping an ear out for any movement upstairs that could indicate Jean was awake.  It was nearly eleven when that happened.  The coffee wasn't its hottest, but I reheated it in the microwave, fearing what would happen if it was too cold rather than reheated.  I poured him a bowl of cereal and by the time he was downstairs, I had his breakfast waiting for him.  He gave me a gruff groan as an acknowledgement of my presence and I didn't say anything, just giving a slight nod in return, trying to ignore my splitting headache.  He stayed silent as he ate his cereal and I took that as a victory.  I let myself relax a little.

Jean put his bowl in the sink with much less force than the last time before looking at me.  "Do we have any aspirin?" he asked roughly and I shook my head.  "Get some.  Go out today.  Hang out with friends or something."

I wanted to say I didn't have any friends because they had all left me since I never saw them anymore.  Well, everyone except Eren.  But that didn't go particularly well the last time.  So I just nodded, not even bothering to ask where he was going.  That would only ruin his surprisingly indifferent mood.  And it was rare that I got a chance to get out of the house, so I wasn't going to risk losing that.

He stared at me before throwing his arms up, raising his voice slightly.  "Well, get the hell out of here."

I jumped to my feet, pulling on my shoes and not forgetting to grab my phone.  My heart beat excitedly and I forced myself not to break out into a smile as I approached the door.  Jean handed me the keys to my car with a somber look.  "Stay out until six or so, not any later.  I'll text you.  Bring back dinner."

Jean slammed the door behind me and I sighed happily as I made my way to the car parked in the driveway.  I figured I'd do my chores first before dropping by Eren's.  Maybe I'd ask a few of my other friends to hang out with us too.  I pulled out into the street and started for the nearest convenience store.  After a quick five minute drive, I parked and went inside.  I grabbed some aspirin and a bottle of water before returning to my car.  I downed two of the pills and let out a sigh, reaching for my phone.  I sent Eren a text asking if he wanted to hang out and, as per usual, he said of course.  After telling him I'd be over in a few minutes, I headed down the road towards my best friend.  The route was familiar and even lost in thought, I made it there without any problems.

I knocked on the door and Mikasa answered, giving me a smile.  "Hey, Armin."


"Eren, your boyfriend's here!" she cried over her shoulder and I blushed.  There was a "He's not my boyfriend!" from somewhere upstairs and Mikasa giggled.  "I wish I could hang out with you guys, but Eren wouldn't like that and I have to run a few errands."

I waved my hands as if dismissing the very notion.  "Oh come on, Mikasa, Eren wouldn't be mad.  You're cool to hang out with."

She gave me a skeptical look as she brushed past me to the garage.  "Yeah, try telling Eren that."

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