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When Christmas Eve arrived with a flurry of snow, I couldn't contain my excitement.  I hadn't gotten to seen all of my friends for months.  There was so much to catch up on and I was more than ready to have a normal night for once.  It'd been far too long since I had stayed out late and had a chance to just enjoy myself.  I hadn't been able to forget about everything and live for the moment, not having to worry about what would happen when I got home.

I spent the entire day tidying up my room a little and attending to Jean's every need.  He seemed to think Christmas Eve was a great time to make your boyfriend clean the entire house.  But that didn't bother me.  In a few hours, I was going to be able to ditch Jean in a crowd of friends and be able to spend the night with Eren.  And the rest of the gang of course.

The closer it got to nightfall, the more my excitement grew.  When I had finished doing the chores, and Jean had finished yet another season of Game of Thrones, I decided to take a quick shower.  I turned on the water and stripped out of my clothes while it heated up.  I stepped in, sighing softly as the heat of the water warmed my chilled bones.  I shivered gently as I began to wash my hair, letting my thoughts wander.  I hoped everyone liked what I got them.  Eren had sent me a more formal and certain list via text of who was going to the party and I had informed him that I would be attending but Jean would be as well.  As expected, he wasn't entirely pleased about that.

I had been particularly short of ideas on what to get Eren for Christmas.  I had gotten Sasha various pairs of Christmas socks, along with some cookies I had managed to find time to bake.  For Mikasa, I bought a sweater she obviously wanted but would never admit to.  Connie was getting a few things including a soccer ball so he could fulfil — or at least try to — his dreams of becoming a professional.  But when it came to Eren, I had no idea what to get him.  He wasn't the type of person who ever wanted anything.  He was just happy with what he had and liked whatever anyone got him.  But for some reason, I wanted to get him something special this year.  Maybe to show him how much he truly meant to me.

I hadn't come up with anything remotely original or suitable for someone as amazing as he was until the day before.  It was pretty expensive and I wasn't sure Jean knew I even bought it, but I didn't really care.  It was my money anyway.  It wasn't like I had taken any from his account.  I was kind of nervous though because Eren had mentioned it in passing a few times when we were younger and I had no idea if he still wanted one.  But I hoped he liked it.

I finished washing myself and climbed out of the shower, drying off and getting dressed.  Eren hadn't told me what the necessary attire was, so I decided to wear a pair of skinny jeans and the ugliest Christmas sweater I owned, which was one Eren made me himself a few years back.  Mikasa had attempted to teach him how to crochet and it took awhile, but he managed to make a whole sweater.  But he had somehow misjudged my size — probably because he didn't ask me since he wanted it to be a surprise — so it was a few sizes too big.  But a couple washes and a few years of slight growth caused it to shrink to only one size too big.

I walked into my room to grab some socks and checked my phone to see I had gotten a text from Eren.  He told me the party was going to start in a few minutes and to 'get my ass to Connie's house'.  I smiled and sent him a quick reply telling him we were on our way.  I pulled on my shoes and went to get Jean who was still sitting watching the television.  Sometimes I thought he loved that show more than me.  "Jean," I said and he turned to look at me.  "We should probably go."

He grabbed his shoes and a jacket and we were on our way.  I drove and as we approached Connie's, gifts piled haphazardly in the backseat, I couldn't help feeling like Jean's parent.  I did pretty much everything for him — he was like a child.  A child that beat you and called you names if you didn't do as he said.

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