Street Fights

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When the sunlight shone softly through the window and made Eren's chocolate hair glow almost auburn in the light, I awoke and smiled to myself. He was still asleep, his lips parted ever so slightly, snoring softly. He seemed so at peace, looking almost angelic, and I took a moment to study his features. He was so close, I could count the freckles dotted across his face, the individual lashes that brushed the skin of his cheeks. I wondered what he was dreaming about and whether or not I was a part of it. I tucked a lone strand of hair behind his ear and he stirred, his eyes blinking open and he gave me a gentle smile. "Morning, Min." he greeted, stretching his arms with a yawn. "Morning,"

I sat up and ran a hand through my hair, suddenly remembering what had happened the night before and letting out a heavy sigh. "I'm gonna have to talk to Jean today." I said to no one in particular. "You don't have to rush things if you're not ready to talk to him. But you can always hang here, okay?"

I nodded and he stood, leaving me in his room wrapped in his covers. I heard the coffee machine turn on and stretched before standing up and heading to the kitchen. I crossed my arms and leaned against the threshold, watching as Eren reached up to grab a box of cereal. I really was grateful for everything he had done for me. Through everything he had always been there for me and the thought of all the things he had sacrificed for me made my heart ache with both guilt and something like endearment. My feet brought me across the room and my arms slung themselves around his waist, burying my nose in the back of his t-shirt. He chuckled. "What's this?"

"Just . . . thank you. For everything."

He placed a hand over my own, returning the embrace as best he could given the positioning. "Anytime."

He poured a bowl of cereal for himself and I and we ate our breakfast at the dining table in silence. The whole time, I tried to psych myself up for what I would have to do when I went back home. But it was difficult. I really didn't want to talk to Jean, let alone look him in the face after what had happened. But I had to. Because I couldn't deal with it anymore.

When we had finished our breakfast, I gave Eren a hug goodbye, wishing I could just stay there in his arms for the rest of time. But I had to pull away and start my journey down the street. I glanced up at the sky to see the clouds rolling in with the promise of a spring shower. But I would get there before it started at least. With each step came a new pang of anxiety and it weighed heavily on me as I approached the front door. I stopped before going in, taking a deep breath and letting it out steadily. Yes, what Jean did had hurt me, but it was just another thing on the list. Beatings, yelling, rules I had to obey — all of it had been taking a toll on me and I had been too blind by his apologies and false promises to notice. But I'd show him. Just like Eren said. I'd show him and if he got upset for it, I would take every blow with a smile.

I pushed open the door to see Jean sunken into his favorite chair, watching the television again. Once he saw me, he immediately switched it off and rose to his feet, taking a few steps towards me, but I didn't waver. "Where were you?"

"Does it matter?" I replied and I saw a spark of fire burn in hazel eyes. "You shouldn't have come home."

"Oh sorry, I wasn't aware I needed permission to enter my own home."

A hand slapped across my face, but I ignored the sting. "I told you a specific time to be back, no sooner, no later, and you disobeyed me."

I chuckled and took a step forward, forgetting who I was for a moment and who was standing right in front of me. It was as if all the strings Jean used to control me had been severed and I could move on my own. "You know, I'm pretty sure that I don't have to do a damn thing you say."

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