Tis the Season

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August bled into September and September into October. Each month came and went just as monotonously as the last. Soon, the gentle flurries of December were upon us like a thick sheet. Jean had alternated between telling me to stay in the house and letting me spend entire days out — most of which I spent with Eren. I also hung out with a few of my other friends, but most of my time was spent with him and Mikasa.

It was December fifteenth and the magic of Christmas was already in the air. It was another free day that Jean had decided to bestow on me, so naturally I texted Eren. He asked if I wanted to go to a nearby frozen yogurt shop and I hurriedly agreed, checking to make sure any bruises were covered. I had tried to be especially obedient since the swimming incident. I didn't need Eren getting worried about me. And Jean had been in surprisingly good humor. There weren't many beatings and if so, they weren't too bad. I wondered what had gotten into him. It was like he wasn't paying so much extra attention to me.

I pulled open the door to the frozen yogurt place and Eren waved at me from a nearby table. I smiled and walked over to him. We went and grabbed our cups and got in line to gather our frozen treats. That was Eren for you. Saving everything cold to eat or do for the coldest month of the year. Swimming and now frozen yogurt. "What flavor are you gonna get?" he asked and I glanced at my possibilities. "Uh, I think just vanilla."

Eren gave me a disapproving look. "What?" I laughed. "Vanilla? Really? You're lame." he replied, getting himself a swirl of chocolate. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."

We put our toppings on and placed them on the scale. "That'll be nine twenty, please." the lady said with a bright smile. I went to pull some cash from my back pocket, but Eren stopped me. "I got it. Don't worry."

I was vehement. "Eren —"

"Armin, seriously, it's fine. Let me treat you." he smiled. I let out a defeated sigh and tucked the dollars back into my pocket, trying to hide my blush. I didn't want Eren paying for me. It made me feel . . . weird. I couldn't remember the last time I'd gone somewhere with Jean and he paid for us. That was something lovers did, not best friends. Best friends agree upon beforehand that they either pay separately or one covers the other. And they certainly didn't make as much of a fuss about it as I was.

I figured it honestly didn't really matter who paid and took my cup from Eren, muttering a quiet 'thanks'. We sat down at a table in the corner and the amount of privacy it gave us was somewhat unexpected. Eren spooned some yogurt into his mouth before looking up at me. "So," he pointed his vibrantly colored plastic spoon at me. "Arlert."

"Jaeger," I said, giggling at his frown. "How've you been?"

"I've been."

Eren threw up his arms and I laughed. "You gotta give me something to work with, man."

"Okay, okay. I've been fine."

"The asshole hurt you at all?"

I lied and said he hadn't. Eren gave a nod. "Good. I won't let him lay a finger on you. That bastard." he said the last part beneath his breath, but I still heard. I felt something in my chest swell and found myself smiling at the table. Yes, Eren's being concerned about my well-being was unnecessary — Jean was only beating me because I never listened to him. But it was sweet that he still cared. It made my stomach twist; and not uncomfortably. I had been feeling that way recently. Eren's kindness seemed to stand out more than usual, ever since that day at the lake when I noticed just how beautiful he actually was. I found myself staring at him again and that idea only solidified in my mind. He really was a gorgeous human being. Inside and out. I shook my head softly and took a bite of my frozen yogurt.

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