Well I Guess This is Growing Up

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"Wake up, princess," I heard a voice say. I expected Alex to be standing there, but it was Matt instead.

"Matt?" He nodded.

"No, I'm your long-lost twin sister that's come to take you away to Mickeyland. Yes, it's Matt. Now get up. I tried being nice." I groaned and rolled out of the bunk, grabbing a Slimfast from the cooler and starting to drink it as Josh took me to the back lounge to start up with school. We started with Geography/History where I wrote a page paper about the Alamo, since we were in New Mexico tonight. Then we moved on to Math, where I had to do a worksheet that was basically just a review. After that I went and grabbed a bag of Goldfish to eat while we worked on foriegn phrases for English, and then we were done. In total I had done about four hours of school that day, which was fine with me. Josh was hilarious, and we got along really well. Then I joined the guys in the front lounge, Sitting between Alex and Jack.

"Alex, Matt was mean to me this morning," I whined when Matt was within earshot. "He pretended to be you and was all like wake up princess and then he said he was my long-lost sister that's come to take me to Mickeyland." Jack looked surprised.

"Whoa, so the sex change worked?" He said, looking at Matt. Matt gave him the middle fingers and walked to the back lounge where Josh was working on some school stuff.

"Well the same to him," Alex said, putting an arm around me. "So how was school, princess?" He asked. I shrugged.

"It was actually pretty cool. I mean, it was fun to not be in an actual school for once," I said.

"Good," he replied, kissing my forehead. "How did you sleep?" I shrugged.

"Fine. Why?" I replied, looking up at him.

"Because at 3 A.M you started talking in your sleep about unicorns." I gave him a look and checked my phone, and found out I had three texts. One from Grace, one from my friend Nate, and one from Alex. Alex's just said that he would wake me up like this and if I didn't get it and get up then he'd send Matt to get me.

"Okay then," I replied. "I really don't know how to explain that."

"If you two can change we can go eat, but I am not taking anyone to the holyness of Krispy Kreme until you're out of your pj's," Rian said. I sprung up and ran to my suitcase, grabbing my favorite pair of Glamour Kills jeans off the top and then going over to Alex's, stealing his favorite purple Glamour Kills top and then going back out to the main lounge after putting my contacts in and slipping on my Toms.

"So that's where that shirt went," Alex said as he emerged about five minutes later in gray jeans and a white v-neck.

"Sorry, did you want to wear it?" I said. "It's a little baggy anyways." He shook his head.

"No. It looks great on you," he said. The shirt hung off my body slightly, going a little past where a normal shirt would go. But it did look pretty cute. We got into the truck and drove to a Krispy Kreme a few blocks away from the venue, where I got several doughnuts that were super fresh and were glazed with chocolate glaze topping and filled with the whipped cream- like stuff. They tasted amazing, and I ate four. All the other guys at two or three, and looked at me wierd when I ate the fourth one. Then we went to the venue where we met the other bands and went ahead and set everything up, then went backstage to get ready for the concert. The concert was in about an hour and a half or so, so we all just sat backstage drinking Red Bull and singing along to whatever song came on someone's iPod.

I was on the second can of Red Bull when it was time for the concert to start. Travis and I decided to go back to the merch booth and hang out with Vinny while He is We was playing, the guys up next and then We the Kings last. I helped Travis pick out a JAGK shirt and an AWG hoodie, as well as a bracelet. He said he might as well spam his fans with some more great music and changed into the shirt, and went onstage in the shirt and hoodie, bragging that he got free merch. Then Vinny went up to the stage and demanded that he pay for it, and it took him awhile to finally make a bargain on twelve dollars and a box of Tic-Tacs that were in his pocket. While the guys were playing and making extremely rude, yet hilarious, jokes, I finished off the second can of Red Bull and half of Alex's. Halfway through the set Matt came to get me for Remembering Sunday, and my heart started beating a lot faster than it normally does. "Matt, is it normal for your heart to beat like ten times as fast as it normally does?" I asked as he handed me the microphone. He shrugged.

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