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The knife room has become a constant reminder that we're not safe. Jasmine stays by my side most the time. It's been a few days since the knife room was discovered. Nobody has died yet. I'm running out of jokes that relate to the situation. I've reused so many it's not even funny anymore.

"Daniel, I'm going out for a bit, can you watch the group?" Asher asks. He's looking more and more gaunt by the day. He's not taking care of himself.

"Sure. I'll make sure nothing happens." I agree.

"Why is he in charge? I'm the obvious choice!" Maddie says. Asher tries to reply, but she continues talking. "I already can't talk to my precious Zack. Now I have to listen to Daniel? I couldn't think of a worse way to live."

"Calm down, Maddie." Asher sighs. "At least we're all still alive. And Zach will be waiting... Wait, Zach? You're dating Zach?" His expression changes a little to match the confusion in his voice.

"Not Zach, she's dating Zack." I say, just confusing him more.

"Wait did you think I was dating that weirdo? No. I'm dating my sweet little Zack with a 'k'."

"Oh...! Okay, that makes more sense."

"So, am I in charge?" She asks.

"No, I made my choice, sorry Maddie." Asher gets up slowly.

"Try to get something to eat." I say, noticing that he's looking really thin.

"I will, thanks."

"Ugh! Fine, but if I'm not in charge, the least you can do is get me some food." Maddie turns away and pouts.

"Sure... What do you want?"

"Anything. Oh, but no carbs. I'm on a diet." She says, even though I can recall her eating a donut earlier.

"Alright. Please take care of everyone, Daniel." Asher begins to make his way out, not bothering to wait for my reply.

Maddie stomps over to me. "Why do you hate me?!" She asks angrily.

"I don't, really! I don't hate anyone." I reply casually. Jasmine nods, backing me up.

"So that's why you won't let me be in charge?! Because you don't hate me?" She makes a few weird noises that I can only comprehend as anger. I shrug which makes her turn away from me. "Fine. I don't care. But when you die, I will not mourn your death." She leaves me alone, but Mercutio stands up to face her. He and Saskia saw everything that just happened.

"That's overstepping your bounds." He says, trying to hide the fear in his voice. Saskia joins him. She nods fiercely.

Maddie scoffs. "What would you know? You're just a nerd and a transfer student." She almost laughs. "Leave me alone."

"Saying that is mean of you." Saskia says in her heavily accented English. "I don't like it. Death is nothing to joke about."

"It wasn't a joke." Maddie pushes her hair back and ignores them.

"Hey. We're talking to you...!"

"Talk all you want. I don't have to listen."

Saskia takes a deep breath. "Maybe you are just worried that nobody will care when you die. That is why you say things like that."

Maddie hesitates, obviously affected by the words. "...No." She says after a moment of silence. "Everyone cares about me. Nobody would dare overlook my death." Then, she leaves.

Saskia takes another deep breath. Mercutio puts his hand on the German's shoulder. He smiles at her.

"Thank you." I say. "That was nice of you to do when neither of you know me well."

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