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"We have to save him," Kelvin exclaims, dragging me out of the burnt room. He practically shoves me into the nearest closet. Lyra stands in the corner nodding as I arrive.

"Save who?" I ask, earning a disapproving look from Lyra.

"Save him! Raiden! He's the next target! You saw how Ashlynn talked to him in there. She's going to kill him next. We have to stop her." Kelvin explains. He searches my eyes for acceptance and I give it to him.

"I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry. We can warn him to watch out for himself." Then I pause, recalling the last time I'd tried advising the blonde teen. "Actually that may be a bad idea," I add, changing my mind almost instantly.

"So you want him to die?" Kelvin asks.

"I don't think that's what he means." Lyra answers. She scans my expression quickly before turning to face her brother. "Daniel's just worried, right?" I know her question is for me, so I nod.

"Raiden doesn't like people. We shouldn't bother him."

"But! But! He could die! D-Y-E!" Kelvin exclaims. He looks shocked, but Lyra just smiles.

"D-I-E, Kelvin." She says, watching Kelvin's dark cheeks turn red.

"That's what I said...!" He protests, hiding his face with his equally red coat sleeves. "Y-You know I can't spell."

"That's okay." I smile, "Now I'm gonna head back to the group."

"No!! What about Raiden?" The lights flicker off as if reiterating his point. I look around the dark room, catching mere glimpses of light as Kelvin pulls out his phone. "I can prove it, Daniel. Look at this." He shows me a photo of Ashlynn watching Raiden leave the room. I hate to agree, but she does look more than a little interested in wherever he was going. 

"Alright, we can go advise him to be careful, and then we'll leave." 

"I knew you would agree!" Kelvin exclaims, grabbing my arm and dragging me toward the door. "Let's go now! before you change your mind." 

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Lyra says, completely hidden in the darkness of the room. She turns on her phone flashlight and shines the light on her slightly amused facial expression. 

"I have a flashlight!" 

"It died last time you decided to run around in the dark. Are you telling me you have extra batteries, too? Not even you are that prepared, Kelvin."  She smiles matter-of-factly and turns to me. "Come sit. The electricity should come back on in a minute." 

"What about phone flashlights?" Kelvin suggests. "They work well." 

Lyra shakes her head slightly. "They don't work well enough. Just be patient. I promise it won't kill you. Nor will it kill Raiden. The lights don't go out randomly, but this doesn't feel as foreboding as it did the past few times. I'm pretty sure everything is okay for now." She says, pointing the light at the ground beside her. 

Kelvin sighs in defeat, leading me over to his sister. We sit on the ground peacefully, waiting. When the lights come on, he jumps up quickly. "Let's go!" He exclaims. 

I nod, standing with him. I can't help but be a little worried about confronting Raiden. I try to digest my concerns and follow the dark-haired teen out of the room. Locating the loner is very difficult. He obviously doesn't want to be found. 

As soon as we enter, Raiden glares. His eyes meet mine, and it's clear he's unhappy. "What are you doing here?" He asks, trying to be respectful. 

"We just–" 

"It's Ashlynn! The killer is Ashlynn, and she wants to kill you next!" Kelvin shouts before I can set it up. 

Raiden's eyes widen for a moment before he realizes his 'mistake' and narrows them again. "Ashley doesn't seem like the kind of person to murder kids." He says coldly. "Where's your proof?" 


"I have a few incriminating photos of her! Look, right here!" Kelvin steps forward, but Raiden steps back. He stares at the siblings for a good minute in silence before responding. 

"I'm not interested in your photos." He says, "Now, get out." 

I take a step forward with my hands held out in front of me, non-threatening. "We're just trying to help you." 

"Who said I needed your help? Allison isn't the murderer." Raiden meets my gaze again with slight fury. 

"Dude, that wasn't even close to her name." 

"Of course it was." 

"No, her name is–"

"I know. It's Alyssa." 

"Please stop arguing. Sebastian already hates us, let's just leave Raiden alone before he hates us, too." I say, looking straight at Kelvin. The short brunette casts his gaze away from mine. 

"I'm sorry," Lyra murmurs, standing at the door. She makes eye contact with Raiden, and the two make peace without words. The blonde even smiles slightly. 

"Yeah, you're fine. Just leave me alone. If I do die, I want to die in peace." He grumbles, turning away from the lot of us. 

"How do you know we're not the killers?" Kelvin asks, slightly confused by Raiden's indifference towards us. 

"If you were the killer, Kevin, I would kill you before you even walked through my door. If it was your sister, she would have a better chance, but even she's not smart enough. And Daniel. If Daniel was the killer, then he wouldn't be smiling right now. Nor would he be able to look me in the eye like he's doing right now." He stares into my eyes for a minute with a cold glare. He's right. Had I been the killer, I wouldn't be able to look at him. 

"He has a point. You're not very stealthy, Kelvin." Lyra replies, hiding her amusement. 

"Just... take care of yourself, okay? We don't want you to die." I say as Lyra leads Kelvin out of the room. I turn to follow them, but I'm interrupted by Raiden clearing his throat. 

"Daniel," he says, catching my attention. "Ashlynn never killed anyone, got it? Don't lay a finger on her. She's innocent." He knows her name. 

"I don't even suspect her, Raiden. I'm doing this for Kelvin, don't worry. She's safe." I smile at him, and his expression softens quickly. 

"Yeah, whatever. Go away." He turns away from me, and I go. I close the door behind me and bump into Ashlynn on my way back to the group. She gives me a half smile and continues on her way. She and I barely know each other, but I know that her expression isn't one of a murderer. 

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