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She was musical and apple-sweet. Her legs twitched a little as they lay across my live lap; I stroked them; there she lolled on in the right-hand corner, almost asprawl, Lola, the bobby-soxer, devouring her immemorial fruit, singing through its juice, losing her slipper, rubbing the heel of her slipperless foot in its sloppy anklet, against the pile of old magazines heaped on my left on the sofa—and every movement she made, every shuffle and ripple, helped me to conceal and improve the secret system of tactile correspondence between beast and beauty—between my gagged, bursting beast and the beauty of her dimpled body in its innocent cotton frock...

And a little later:

With the deep hot sweetness thus established and well on its way to its ultimate convulsion I felt I could slow down in order to prolong the glow...

Then finally:

[H]er teeth rested on her glistening underlip as she half-turned away, and my moaning mouth, gentlemen of the jury, almost reached her bare neck, while I crushed out against her left buttock the last throb of the longest ecstasy man or monster had ever known.

Keva sedang pejam mata. Mengenang beberapa perenggan daripada karya teragung itu. Lolita.

Ironic, kan? Dia dibesarkan di dalam keadaan begitu. Dan novel itu memang khas untuk orang ketiga sepertinya supaya lebih senang untuk dia memandang sudut berkenaan tatkala dia di dalam situasi itu.

My dreamy pet.

My nymphet.

And she was mine, she was mine, the key was in my fist, my fist was in my pocket, she was mine.

"You chump," she said, sweetly smiling at me. "You revolting creature. I was a daisy-fresh girl, and look what you've done to me. I ought to call the police and tell them you raped me. Oh, you dirty, dirty old man."

Bibirnya tersenyum dengan satu-satunya dialog itu.

A little girl with an old man. That is a pedophilia. Jury of all, the incest psychology. Lolita.

Okay, back to business. Dua minggu sudah di sini... Kamal, Borhan, Tan, siapa entah lagi. Lupa dah. Banyak Kamal dapat duit. Mina pun sama. Itu baru dua minggu. Kalau sebulan? Tak mustahil boleh angkat sepuluh iPhone. Fuh.

Tetapi malam ini? Siapa? Sebab dia tak biasa di tempat sini.

Matanya memandang sekitar. Tempat kotor macam ni, tempat bising macam ni, dengan peluh manusia, dengan bau arak kuat menyengat hidung. Dia tak suka tempat macam ni. Dia hanya suka bersama daddy. Anyone, as long as they are daddies. Alone. Just both of them in one enclosed space. Means, can take turns la. Bibirnya tersenyum kecil.

Kemudian, mukanya masam mencuka kembali. Matanya balik kepada memandang sekitar. Dia dibesarkan dan dibela di dalam keadaan begitu. Bukan di tempat rambang begini.

I am no whore to be gambled. I am not a spawn of somebody whore to be trade here like for sum lease or settling a debt. I am not the appliance types of a whore. I'm not the one who gonna be return or gonna be killed when the goods are faulty.

I am the "daughter" of the daddy.

Keva memandang Kamal yang menghampiri. Kamal seperti biasa, mencium kepalanya. Sebelum tangannya ditarik ke ruang atas kelab malam. Dia diam menurut. Tetapi, berkerut keningnya tatkala hadir dua lelaki lain yang terang-terang orang asing sama mengikut mereka. Bukan sejenis lelaki biasa yang menjadi pelanggan.

"Siapa dorang?" Keva berbisik kepada Kamal. Kamal senyum tidak menjawab sambil menepuk-nepuk kepalanya. Menenangkan dia seperti selalunya. Dia pandang salah seorang daripada lelaki asing itu masuk ke dalam bilik. Rupanya seperti Croatian, half Indian. Atau Bangladesh? Pakistan?

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