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So here's the thing, you didn't want to reject Jungkook's offer. One: because you'd like to know him better. Two: spending time with him doesn't sound that bad. But you had already tried to learn how to draw—and well, you still didn't get any better.

"I already tried getting lessons, Jungkook. I'm still a lost cause. I don't want to waste your time." You said as you tried to sugarcoat it as much as possible.

"Y-You'd n-never w-waste m-my t-time, Y/N." He replied.

You didn't know what to say to that. And as if in cue, the bell rang.

'saved by the bell. haha this is so cliche'

Jungkook wasted no time to get out of class as if he was escaping from you. You caught a glimpse of his face and it was red, again.

Sure, you couldn't see much because of his mask but his ears were red for sure. You started to wonder why he even wore a mask to school.

"Yah, let's go." Jimin interrupted your thoughts and started walking out of class. You had music class next.

As you entered music class, you spotted a few familiar faces. Some you had seen in the hallways and some you had for some classes. One of them being Jungkook. You also spotted Namjoon and Taehyung with other three boys.

You sat at the far left corner with Jimin. Mostly away from all the fangirls and fanboys you both had gained throughout the day.

"Okay, class. Today we have two new students. You all probably know them by now so I won't make them introduce themselves," You mentally thanked god for that. "now please, let's start. I have these two randomizers. One of them is to choose a student and the other is to choose a song. You'll have to sing," His eyes wandered to the boys with Namjoon and Taehyung. "or rap if the song has any rapping parts, don't worry."

You were relieved that you didn't have to do this, sure, you were outgoing but you were lazy. I mean, he couldn't possibly have your names on the randomizer, right?

"The randomizer is from an internet website, so don't worry new students, I got you." He winked as the class laughed.

But you didn't.

The class continued smoothly without you and Jimin being called on—which you were so thankful for.

"Okay, next one." The teacher started the randomizer and you suddenly had an uneasy feeling spread through you. You could see the randomizer screen through the projector which you could see on the wall. It was slowly stopping and your name suddenly came into view.

At this moment, you prayed, you prayed for it not to be you.

And it wasn't.

It was Jimin.

"Paark Jimiiin, come to the front pleasee." The teacher said.

You turned to look at our brother, he looked anxious. He wasn't very confident with his voice most of the time which you wished he was. He was amazing and the thought of him not believing in himself broke your heart to million pieces. You were there with him when all his confidence crumbled down. And you could see at this very moment how much he didn't want to go up.

You could see how he slid his hands on his thighs cleaning his sweaty hands. You could hear how his breathing fastened. You could see how he anxiously kept licking his lips.

And at that moment, you wanted to protect him. To make him feel at ease. Because you know him, how he overthinks everything, how he doubts himself, how he doesn't have much self love.

So... you did one of the best things ever but in the dumbest way ever.

Everything was silent until you stood up and dramatically shouted, "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"

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