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"Jungkook!" You said trying to wake Jungkook up, which wasn't working.

"Jungkookie!" You tried again.

"Kookie" And again.

Until you finally knew what would wake him.

"Let's get it!" These three words made him shot his eyes open.

"What?" He said in a groggily voice.

"I'm leaving. It's late now."

"Nooo! Staay! Why can't you stay?" He whined grabbing you by your waist and pulling you close to him.

"My parents won't let me." You chuckled.

"Pleaseee." He whined. "Just for today."

You really did want to stay but your parents wouldn't allow you to do such thing as they knew what teenagers do when they're alone. Of course, you would just literally sleep over. But they wouldn't budge.

You looked up to see Jungkook sleeping once again. Great, now you can leave.

You tried to remove his hands from your waist, but he held a tight grip.

This was the moment where you questioned if he even was asleep. His strength couldn't be this powerful even when asleep, right?

"Jungkook. I really need to go!" You struggled again but it was of no use.

Your phone was in your bag which was on the desk besides the bed, which you couldn't reach.

You had no escape. And well, it's not like you really want to leave. Staying wouldn't hurt, right?

────── 〔✿〕──────


When you got home this morning your parents were waiting for you, right at the door. Jimin was on the stairs watching the chaos emerge.

"Phone. Now." Your mother said, stretching her palm so you could place your phone on it.

This is where you don't complain.

You slowly placed your phone on her palm and looked down at your feet, trying to avoid their disappointed faces.

"Don't ever do this again, you hear me?" Your father said with a frown. "Do you have any idea of how worried your mother was? And all because of your hormones!"

"Dad, we didn't do anything!"

"And you won't." Jimin said from the stairs.

"We gave you back your privileges, and this is how you pay us back. Your grades are better, much better. But your behavior isn't. We won't tolerate it, young lady. Your phone and car aren't things you really need, they are privileges WE give you because WE love you. But you can't seem to appreciate them."  Your mother said.

"Go to your room. We'll call you when dinner is ready." Your dad said, avoiding your gaze for some reason.

You walked towards the stairs and Jimin left to his room before you could even touch the railing.

You felt like a true disappointment. But you could fix this. You always can.

────── 〔✿〕──────

Your mom's words replayed in your mind. It was true, she gave you many stuff she doesn't have to, things many want but can't afford.

You started to think about all those people who have very little but deserve a lot. All those people whose lives aren't what they want them to be.

You gave it a lot of thought. And that's when you knew you had to get your act together. You couldn't live in your mother's house forever, you needed a job and your own money.

You needed to get your education done and pursue a career that you like.

Doctor sounds good. Because that's what you wanted, to help people.

Maybe you could even place some shelters and make organizations to help those who need it. Maybe you could even but toys and take them to the ill kids in the hospital who should be at home with their families.

This is what you want. This is what you will do.

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I'm sorry this chapter does not contain much of Jungkook. I just felt like the main character needed more development. I am freaking out because I don't know how to end this book.

I want to hear some of your ideas, so feel free to message me or DM on Instagram: @thatbangtanstan

Have a great day, loves. 💗

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