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Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the backseats, while you and Jimin were in front, Jimin driving.

You begged Jimin to come, you knew you wouldn't be able to keep up with Taehyung. You've heard some of his drunk stories, and let me tell ya.. they're not good.

You arrived at your destination: Suga's house. You could hear the music already from where you were at. You could see couples making out, people throwing up, and others showering with alcohol.

What a pleasant view...

You walked inside the house with the others following you. People were grinding against each other, or at least that's what they called dancing. The smell of alcohol immediately hit your nose making you make a face of disgust. Alcohol and sweat were apparently the only scents present.

"Let's go sit down!" Jimin shouted through the music which you all responded to by nodding our heads.

You all made your way towards a bar table in front of the kitchen which was surprisingly not occupied, but of course, they were all busy "dancing".

Here is where you could see the popular girls of your school at the lowest. Drinking and dancing while half of their make up is in the face of the dude next to them. So classy..


"This is so stupid." You said knowing they couldn't hear you because of the music.

You were bored, and there was clearly not the right type of entertainment going on. You decided to go to the restroom and explore the house. You saw lots of things you shouldn't have seen...

But when you came back, Jungkook and Taehyung got in a drinking competition with each other, and by the time you got there, they were already too drunk to be stopped. Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Jimin?" You shouted through the music hoping they would know but they only shrugged.

"I'm back, i'm back!" You heard Jimin say and you turned around to see him. But immediately made this face:

He had lipstick in his mouth all the way to his neck, where there was some hickies

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He had lipstick in his mouth all the way to his neck, where there was some hickies.

"What?" He shouted through the music fixing his shirt.

"Like that would help.." You thought.

You simply shook your head pointing towards the two drunk teens. Jimin took Taehyung upstairs and you started doing the same thing with Jungkook.

You put Jungkook's arm around your shoulder and made your way to an empty room while he mumbled stuff you couldn't make up because of the loud music.

"Noona.. I want you." He huskily said.

Those words made you freeze in your spot, not wanting to face him. You could now hear some things because the music kind of lowered down when you closed the door to who knows who's bedroom.


He back hugged you and you died.

Just kidding.

You almost did though.

Anyways, you were a blushing mess. The thoughts that were going through your head were a mix of cheesy stuff and unholy thoughts.

"You want me too, right?"

Jungkook's voice sounded confident. But he totally wasn't. Sure, he drank, but he knew what he was doing. The alcohol gave him the confidence he was missing, but not that much.

He still doubted himself.

"Noona... answer me." He said in a husky voice.

You now felt his breath on your neck.

"Y-Yes, b-but you're not sober, J-Jungkook. Y-You don't know w-what you're doing."

"Fuck, where did all this stuttering came from?" You thought.

"I do, noona. Look who's stuttering now." He mocked.


Warning: This does not classify as smut but if some of you do not like—let's call it 'hot scenes?'—I advice you skip this part.

You rolled your eyes but immediately tensed when you felt his lips against your neck.

You couldn't resist and you tilted your head giving him more access. He removed your hair from your neck, letting it slide down your shoulder.

He left butterfly kisses all the way to your collar bone.

He turned you around and slammed you against the wall not losing the contact of his lips from your neck.

An unexpected moan left your mouth. Jungkook liked it. This feeling was new for him. He wasn't being forced to, he liked it on his own.

He made his way from your neck to your jawline. You waited impatiently for his lips on yours. You were almost too impatient for your own liking.

When he was about to kiss your mouth he stopped and separated from you. You frowned missing the feeling of his lips on your skin.

You opened your eyes which you didn't know you closed. He was looking at your lips so intensely. You couldn't just stand there and you slammed your lips on his.

But you didn't know it was his first kiss.

Or at least his first voluntary kiss without having someone being forced on him.

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