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You paced around your room nervous for Jungkook's arrival. He wasn't really going to come, right?

I mean, you just go grounded, you told him, he wouldn't. And just then you heard the doorbell ring.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" You ran to your phone and texted Jimin to open the door.

If you even stepped foot outside your room, you'd probably get homeschooled for the rest of the year. And we don't want that now do we?

As you nervously awaited in your room, Jimin slowly walked to the door and opened it to find a smiling Jungkook.

"She's grounded." Jimin said and attempted to close the door in Jungkook's face.

Jungkook's foot stopped the door from closing and Jimin sighed. It's not that he hated him, he just disliked him. As much as Jimin liked to see you happy, he couldn't help but be selfish. He knew that if you were to be in a relationship, you wouldn't talk as much to him, or spend time with him.

Jimin didn't want that but he knew it couldn't be like that forever. He knew he would find the right girl for him someday but as of now you were all he had. Your parents weren't ones to talk about feelings very often, and Jimin had a lot to pour out.

But you were there for him to listen and comfort him. He didn't want to lose that.

"I know." Jungkook gave him his bunny smile and Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"Then what are you doing here?" Jimin lazily asked.

"She's grounded.." Jungkook slid into the tiny space between the door and Jimin to enter the house. He looked around. "But I'm not."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"That I am indeed allowed to see her." Jungkook smiled big. "Where are your parents? I'd like to speak to them for a second."

"Um..no. I don't think that's a good ide-" Jimin was cut off by his dad.

"What's going on here? Who's this young man?" His dad asked.

"Is he your boyfriend Jimin?" His mom carefully asked.

Jimin's eyes widened and he became quickly offended, "What? No! I'm not gay! He's Y/N's friend or boyfriend, I don't even know."

His mom stiffened a laugh and nodded, seeing her son blushing was somehow funny to her. She completely composed herself and turned her attention to the boy next to Jimin.

She examined for-

"No tattoos or piercings. Don't worry." Jungkook gave Y/N's mom his bunny smile and she immediately smiled as well.

Jungkook looked confident on the outside, but inside he was nervous as fuck. He didn't stutter so he was proud. Ever since you came into his life everything about him seems to improve, and he liked that.

Your dad cleared his throat, "What are you here for, young man?"

"I came to visit Y/N, since I know she's grounded and can't go to me— I came to her." Jungkook tried to sound confident and they seemed to buy the whole i'm-more-confident-than-all-of-you-together thing.

Your dad was about to say something but Jungkook interrupted him. "Oh! I forgot! I brought a gift for you sir!" He took out some baseball cards from a bag. "I used to collect them but I suddenly stopped after a while. These are one of a kind so I couldn't give them to anyone. Y/N always talk about you guys and she happened to tell me how you also collected baseball cards. So here." He handed the cards to your dad and his eyes sparkled.

All bad thoughts he had about Jungkook long gone as he now takes the baseball cards and motions for Jungkook to go to you.

Jungkook gladly did as told and went to your room. Opening the door he saw you walking back and forth.

"Jimi- What? Jungkook? My dad- How?" You spoke confused.

"Don't worry, he basically traded you for some baseball cards I had."

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So I really don't know a thing about baseball cards but then again this is a fiction story so whatever

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So I really don't know a thing about baseball cards but then again this is a fiction story so whatever.😂 anyways, hell resumes tomorrow for me. (school) so please wish me luck as I will lose the will to live automatically😂
just kidding, but not really

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