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A few weeks had gone by since the whole Jungkook thing. You had distanced yourself from him, being a little distant and not visiting much. Simply because you didn't want your feelings towards Jungkook to develop any further. You've been only visiting on the weekends and used school as an excuse.

It sounded stupid, of course. But you consider yourself toxic, or at least that's what he used to say about you.

Today was Saturday and you again had to visit him. It's not like you didn't enjoy it, heck, you loved it. But you've been running out of movies to watch since he hadn't been speaking much.

That made you nervous. He wouldn't communicate with you at all— which made you wonder how long will this go for? How damaged was he?

That thought made you stop on your tracks. It made you realize how selfish you were being. You were just thinking about yourself, but what about Jungkook? Did you make him feel worse? Well, how would youre presence affect him? It wouldn't, right?

When you came back from your thoughts you were already in front of Jungkook's hospital room, when did you start walking?

You barged in without knocking which you immediately regret after seeing him crying in his mom's arms. He quickly wiped his tears off and looked away.

His mother made her way towards you and closed Jungkook's door behind her, turning her attention to you.

"He cried because he thought you were tired of him." She said.


"He talked to me." She smiled sweetly at the memory of it. "He's getting better. But I think you should visit more often, your presence somehow helps his situation." She winked and pushed me towards the door.

You went inside hoping Jungkook would talk to you. "Hey."

"hey"?! "hey"?!? you couldn't think of anything else but "hey"?!??

You looked down mumbling a few curse words.

"H-Hey." Jungkook said and you immediately looked up to see him. He was smiling warmly at you.

"You're talking now, wow." You said in awe and he scratched his neck awkwardly not knowing what to do or say. You quickly said the first thing that came into your mind to change the subject. "I missed your voice."

He smiled avoiding your gaze while his ears and cheeks turned a scarlet red. "Thanks?"

You swung back and forth trying to think of anything else to change the awkward and tense moment.

Jungkook was awkwardly laying in his bed debating whether he should speak up or not. He was shy. Extremely shy. But sometimes it wouldn't be that way with her, but now it was and he blamed the universe for it.

"T-thanks for s-saving me, a-and for vi-visiting me." He was blushing furiously. He wished he didn't because his ears and cheeks would always reveal how he felt and he hated it.

"No problem, kook. I just wish I would've been there sooner. Or that you would've told me what was going on." Jungkook sighed and you decided to ask the question that was eating you up all this time. "Who was he?"

You noticed Jungkook tense and you sat next to him patting his shoulder signaling that it was okay.

"H-He was m-my mom's b-boyfriend."

You immediately questioned why his sweet, caring, nice, lovely mother would date such an asshole like him.

"H-He wa-was nice, I d-don't know w-what ha-happened that day. He n-never acted li-like that b-before." He teared up and you could tell it was hard for him. You yourself started to slightly tear up.

"H-He loved m-my mom, I-I could tell. I-I d-don't know w-what h-happened. I-I feel l-like I-I ruined their re-relationship."

You hugged him. You just wanted to wrap him in blankets like a burrito, feed him churros and sing him lullabies. Kind of a weird thing to do but you weren't normal at all, who are we kidding here?

"B-But y-you know w-what, n-noona?" You looked up to see him separating slightly from him, wondering why now of all times he called you noona.

"I-It's o-okay now, b-because y-you're here with m-me now."

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