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Chief - the head of the Tribe. The chief is responsible for carrying out ceremonies and making important decisions. While they don't usually participate in activities such as patrols, the chief is constantly watching over the Tribe and caring for their cats.

Agent - the second-in-command, selected by the chief. The agent trains in preparation for becoming the next chief through guiding the Tribe. They are responsible for selecting hunting and border patrols and typically participate in them as well, and often give the chief their advice.

Herb Master - the healer of the Tribe. The herb master is responsible for caring for the injured or sick through the use of herbs, a skilled passed down through each master. They, however, are prohibited from taking a mate as they must have complete focus on the Tribe, and do not participate in patrols or battles. Similarly to the Agent, they help guide the chief's decisions through giving advice.

Herb Master Trainee - the herb-master-in-training. The herb master trainee, similar to the herb master, learns from their mentor in the skill of healing through herbs. They also don't participate in patrols or battles.

Protector - the guardian of the Tribe. These cats protect the Tribe from outside threats and fight them off. They participate in border patrols and in battles against predators or other dangerous rogues. While they dont hunt, one protector is required to accompany a hunting patrol for defense.

Prey-stalker - the hunter of the Tribe. These cats provide prey for the Tribe by participating in hunting patrols. Only if necessary, they will participate in battle.

Trainees - the protectors or prey-stalkers in-training. From the age of five moons, these cats learn from their mentors in the skills of fighting and hunting, and while the trainees take on different paths, they are required to have some knowledge in the ways of a protector as well a prey-hunter. Trainees are responsible for deciding which path they will take for their five moons of training as well as following their mentor's orders, whether it be participating in a patrol or caring for the elders.

Kit-mothers - the current mothers of the Tribe. These cats, when they're pregnant, retire to the kit-mother's cave where they will be cared for until their kitting. Until their kits reach the age of five moons and are ready to become a trainee, kit-mothers are confined to the cave to watch over and nurse their litter. They are prohibited from participating in patrols or battles.

Kits - the young of the Tribe. The kits remain inside the Tribe's camp until they reach the age of five moons where they will become trainees. They are nursed by their mothers and are prohibited from participating in patrols or battles.

Elders - the old of the Tribe. The elders, once protectors or prey-hunters, have retired from their duty to the Tribe and now rest in the elder's shrub. They are prohibited from participating in patrols or battles but are very respected.

Loners - roaming cats who typically live alone and don't belong to a Tribe or furhead.

Rouges - roaming cats who are particularly aggressive. They don't belong to a Tribe or furhead.

Softheart - a cat who belongs to a furhead. These cats are considered to be "weak" and "plump."

Furhead - large, tall creatures who stand on their hind legs and bare pelts of colors ranging from pale to dark brown. They care for the softhearts.

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