⛰️ | Prefixes & Suffixes | ⛰️

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Among the many differences between Clan and Tribe roleplays is the concept of prefixes and suffixes. Unlike a warrior's name, such as Ravencry, the Tribe names are more complex, consisting of a longer suffix with several words. For example, the warrior name Ravencry could be translated to Raven That Cries At Night. However, keep in mind that if you are roleplaying a kit or trainee, your name will remain solely a prefix until it is fully given at the final ceremony.

These names can be complicated but as long as they follow simple grammatical rules they can be very creative and interesting. Please do not make nonsensical names. As a suggestion for most names involving animals, the suffix could be based on an important quality, such as Wolf That Howls At Night or Stag That Grazes Calmly. Furthermore, the suffix for plant-based names could involve the location, such as Pine Tree In The Forest or Marigold Flower Amongst The Meadow. Also, don't make a suffix excessively long--more than five words--and for consistency's sake, remember to capitalize each word.

Moreover, you may not have a name that has already been taken. Your prefix and suffix must be completely original to avoid confusion and overuse of names. Please view the list of taken prefixes and suffixes before making your application to avoid accidentally using a word that has been used already. We understand that it's difficult to come up with different names if you've already got your heart set on something, so we're providing a list of prefixes and their meanings.


Acorn - Naive; outgoing; curious; appearance of an acorn.

Adder - Aggressive; loyal; appearance of an adder.

Alder - Reserved; cautious; wise; appearance of an alder tree; see Bark; see Timber.

Amber - Pushy; strict; amber-furred.

Ant - Cooperative; cocky; appearance of an ant.

Apple - Sweet; friendly; multi-skilled; appearance of an apple.

Arch - Strict; aggressive; observant.

Ash - Independent; moody; determined; appearance of ashes.

Aspen - Reserved; intelligent; cold; natural leader; appearance of an aspen tree.

Badger - Hard-working; strong; aggressive; appearance of a badger.

Bark - Secretive; reserved; appearance of bark.

Bat - Good eyes (appearance or usage); loyal; cooperative; appearance of a bat.

Bee - Aggressive; rambunctious; irritable; appearance of a bee.

Beech - Prideful; aggressive; risk-taker; appearance of a beech plant.

Beetle - Good-natured; independent; hard-working; appearance of a beetle.

Berry - Caring; moody; cocky; spotted.

Birch - Good-natured; cooperative; appearance of birch.

Bird - Graceful; quick; quiet; timid.

Black - Black-furred.

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