Chapter Eight

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London's POV

"London Rose Greenway! Follow me. NOW!" Mother screeched before she stormed out of the gym and into the parkin' lot.

"I'll pray for you." Victoria mumbled. I sigh and followed mother with Howard hot on my trail. We walked outside and I seen mother pacin' back and forth mumblin' sentences to herself.

"Yes mother?" I stood a few feet away from her. I honestly don't feel like doin' this right now, especially here.

"Don't you 'yes mother' me Rose! Have you completely lost your mind? You kissed another man, a man who isn't your husband and quite frankly seems beneath you." She yelled.

"What the fuck was that London?" Howard turned me towards him.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head to the side tryin' to defuse the situation but seemingly only added fuel to the fire when Howard and mothers eyes darkened.

"You just cheated on me with another man." Howard yelled.

"First off lower your fuckin' tone with me. Okay? And secondly don't try to act like the perfect husband in front of mother when you've been cheatin' since our first year of bein' married. I'm sick of pretendin' to be happy with you while you parade around your lil flings like I mean nothin' to you." I glared.

Mother scoffed, "Don't throw out those absurd accusations at this man because you kissed another man. Even if he is you obviously aren't doin' somethin' right as his wife so he looks elsewhere for it. I don't know what's goin' on in your head but you need to clear it and focus on your marriage to Howard."

"Moth-" I began to defend myself but she cut me off.

"And with a slum like him? You need to stay away from him and anyone that deals with him." She continued.

"Slum? You listen here-" She cut me off yet again.

"No you listen here, you are to leave that imbecile alone and focus on your husband. He's an amazin' man and he treats you with the utmost respect and you better return that." She dramatically stormed away.

Howard grabbed my arm and forced me to his chest, "You better leave that wanna be ball player alone or else."

I laughed, "Your threats are empty and doesn't put an once of fear in me."

He gripped me tighter to where I know he'll leave a bruise. "You think I'm playin' with yo ass? You better-"

"Better what?" A deep voice rung out behind us. I turned my head and seen Jayvion and his dad standin' not to far from us and they both held glares on their faces which were directed to Howard.

"I know you better let her go 'foe I come over there and knock yo fuckin' head off yo shoulders." Jayvion stepped closer which caused Howard to loosen his grip on my arm. I jerked my arm out of his hold and took several steps back.

JJ's dad grabbed my arm gently and pulled me behind him.

"Next time I see you with yo hands on her ima cut that bitch off. Get the fuck outta my face 'foe I change my mind and slump yo shit." Jayvion threatened. Though I highly doubt that was a threat, seemed more like a promise which he intended to keep.

Howard glared at the men before turnin' to me, "We're not finished here."

"Fuck you say nigga?" Jayvion walked up to Howard but Howard ran to the parkin' lot and hopped into his truck before speedin' off.

I rubbed my arm while holdin' my head down.

"Thanks." I muttered embarrassed that they had to witness that.

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