Chapter Sixteen

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"Boy bring yo ass on here." I looked back at Jayvion bendin' over tryin' to catch his breath.

Jayvion and I were bored so we decided that we would run a few miles before we hit the gym and this dumbass actin' like he needs an asthma pump and we've only ran one mile.

"Hold on damn!" He muttered before drinkin' damn near all his water.

"Nigga come on you actin' like you fat." I smacked my teeth. I don't know why I agreed to work out with this retarted nigga.

"I am fat, I like eatin' cake not runnin' nigga. I only run to the kitchen and the pussy. Anything else can kiss my ass." He huffed as he passed me. I chuckled and followed him.

After what felt like a lifetime we finally made it to the gym. We walked in, swiped our cards, and immediately began workin' out. Jayvion went bench press while I stood on side of him liftin' weights.

"So how do you feel about bein' away from London for the first time?" Jayvion questioned.

Honestly, I don't know how I feel. Or how to feel. I know that I'm goin' to miss the shit out of her but ima be hittin' her ass up everyday so it's not like we not gone speak but the distance is the shit that's fuckin' with me. Especially because since I've meet London I haven't had any pussy and I'm feignin' like a motherfucker. I'm not goin' to force her into anythin' but I don't know how ima handle bein' away from my girl and horny as fuck at the same time.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I was thinkin' 'bout tellin' her we need to take a break until I come back."

His head snapped in my direction before he lifted the bar up onto the holder and raised up.

"I know yo ass ain't stupid enough to do some shit like that."

I smacked my lips, "It's for both of our good. That way she won't get hurt and I won't feel like an asshole because I hurt her in any way."

Jayvion chuckled, "That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. Listen I know you get pussy thrown to you every fuckin' where you go but you grown as fuck so you know how to tell them hoes to bounce. London's a great woman and any man would be lucky to even be in her presence. You better not fuck this up 'cause if you do it's yo ass. Women like London are a dime a dozen, trust me I know and I regret letting her go everyday." With that being said he walked away leavin' me with my thoughts.

It's not like I want to let her go because my feelings for her are growing stronger each and every day, but I know how I am when I'm on the road and it's gonna be hard goin' from gettin' randon pussy when I want to gettin' no pussy at all. But London's worth it so I'm going to try.

London's POV

I sigh before closing the door, kickin' my heels off, and shruggin' out of my blazer. I had just got to JJ's house and I'm exhausted. I've been spending a lot of time at JJ's because he wants to spend as much time together as possible before he leaves for his game next week and I loved being under him so I didn't mind.

I dropped my briefcase in the coat closet by the door before hangin' up my blazer then closing the door. I grabbed my heels and headed towards the master bathroom to wash the day off of me. As I stepped into the hallway I noticed that there were red rose petals scattered along the floor leadin' to JJ's bedroom. I slowly followed them and when I got to the door I pushed it open. There were roses scattered along the bed in the shape of a heart and candles spaced out in the room giving the room an amazing dimly lit glow and aroma. The aroma immediately calmed me as I scanned the room where I seen the bathroom light on underneath the door so I walked to the door and pulled it open to find JJ leaning against the sink in nothing but silk pajama pants with a single red rose in his hand.

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