Chapter Thirteen

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London's POV

Once those words came out of the police's mouth everythin' went to hell as they dragged JJ out of the reception. I was strugglin' against my dads hold to go run after JJ and Dominic, Hakeem, and the other groomsmen were fightin' against Jayvion who was tryin' to grab ahold of the policemen as they passed him.

I stopped movin' and fell in my dads arms cryin'. I had just figured everythin' out and finally figured out what I wanted and the thing that I wanted the most was just dragged out of my sisters wedding in handcuffs accused of some bullshit that he wouldn't even do.

My dad rubbed my back as I laid my head on his chest. As dad was whispering in my ear my eyes remained trained on Jayvion who was tryin' his hardest to get away from the guys and go after his brother. My mother was standin' a few feet away from them with a smirk on her face before she started walkin' out of the buildin'.

Since my dads hold on me loosened when I fell into his embrace, it was easy for me to sprint out of his arms and run after her. I caught up to her when she was just outside of the doors and seen her watchin' as the police shoved JJ into the cop car.

"I know yo ass had somethin' to do with this." I yelled before walkin' up to her.

"Excuse me?" She gasped.

"You heard me bitch. I'm sick and tired of you tryin' to dictate my life like I'm some little ass girl who doesn't have a mind of her own. It's about time I stood up to you and I should've done it years ago, now you're goin' to get a piece of my mind. For years you've acted as if everythin' that I did was wrong or everythin' that I am is wrong and I'm honestly tired of you turnin' your nose up at everythin' that I do. For once in a very long time I'm finally happy. Finally. And you just had to take away the reason for my happiness all because you didn't approve of him. I'm a grown ass woman who doesn't need or want your approval-"

"Watch how you talk to me young lady. I'm still your mother." She yelled.

"Shut up! I'm talkin' now and you're gonna sit here and listen to me like I've listened to you for years. When I first met Howard I genuinely liked him, but as we spent more time together I realized that he just wasn't the one for me. But you told me that he was perfect and for the first time in my life you told me that you were proud of me. Not because I remained top of my class or because I had straight A's, but because I chose Howard to date. I'm glad I'm finally able to tell you this mom, but the only reason I married Howard was because I wanted to hear you say those words to me again. And you never uttered them to me ever again." I shouted.

I noticed that we gained a crowd but I didn't care. I had shit to get off my chest and she was gonna heard every damn last word I had to say.

I continued, "For ten years I stayed in a marriage with a man that I came to despise because I wanted to make you happy. I was so focused on makin' you happy that I lost myself in the process and I didn't even realize it until recently. Well those days are over. Way over. Howard and I are over. I'm gettin' a divorce and I don't give a damn how you feel about it. And JJ, that's my man and again I don't give a damn how you feel about that either. Now if you'll excuse me,  I'm goin' to get my man out of jail."

With that bein' said I turned and headed towards the parkin' lot to call a cab. Once I made it to the parkin' lot I heard multiple footsteps after me. I turned around and seen Jayvion, my sisters, and their husbands runnin' after me.

"I'm so sorry mom ruined your wedding sissy." I began apologizin' once Victoria got close to me.

"It's not your fault." She waved me off.

"I feel like it is."

"It's not though sis in law. I'm sorry to say this 'bout y'all moms but that hoe better be lucky that my pops and ma raised me right cause I wanted to snatch that damn Tina Turner ass wig off her head and smack her ass with it." Jayvion straight faced us while we laughed.

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