The spilt night

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This chapter is going to be spilt into two sections. Section 1 is what you is up to and section 2 is the rest of the squad (Shane, Ryland, Garrett, Morgan, Andrew) and Megan are up to.

Andrew had just walked into Shane's house.

Andrew: Hey

Shane had made Megan wait at the top of the stairs and made Ryland,Garrett and Morgan wait in the demon room.

Shane: Hey, we need to talk through the new video Series I'm going to release. Well it was Ryland's idea so I'll just shout him down.

Andrew: ok (Andrew sat on the couch waiting for Ryland to come down)

Shane: Ryland. Can you come down a minute?

There was no reply. The only sound was heals clonking down the spiral staircase. Andrew looked at the staircase with confusion. And then Megan Batoon came into his sight. He leapt off the couch and started fan girling.

Your PART:

I got out the Uber and went into the club. It wasn't very packed which was a good thing I walked to the bar and took a seat. My heart still aching because all I could think about is Andrew.

Bartender: what would you like?

Y/N: the largest, strongest drink you have please.

Bartender: Rough night?

Y/N: you could say that again. The boy I'm completely inlove with is in the place where I'm staying having a date with the girl of his dreams. (I said laughing as it sounded more like a joke)

Bartender: wow it really is a rough night. (He said while handing me my drink.

I drank my drink in one. The aches slowly leaving my body. So I ordered drink after drink. The bartender continued to make small talk with me the rest of the night until I became that drunk that I couldn't stand up. The bartender didn't want me to leave the bar in that state so he took my phone, which was on the bar next to me, and looked through my recent calls to see who was best to call. The first was Garrett.

He called Garrett.

Back at Shane's:

Andrew and Megan had just sat down to eat. They had been talking for a while about their interests and what they are passion about and they both seem to get along great. Right now they where in the middle of the Drake debate. When Garrett got a call disturbing the date.

Everyone looked at Garrett a little annoyed.

Garrett: It's Y/N!

Garrett answered the phone however it was the bartender.

The conversation between Garrett and the bartender.

Garrett: Y/N! Are you okay?

Bartender: Hey, this isn't Y/N it's Adam. I'm the bartender in club 21 Y/N isn't in the right state to leave the bar unattended so would you be able to come get her?

Garrett: umm yeah I'll be there in 5 minutes. Is she on her own ?

Bartender: yeah she's been on her own the whole night. I'll explain more when I see you in person.

Garrett: okay thanks for calling I'll be there soon!

The call ended.

Everyone looked at Garrett's worried expression plastered on his face.

Shane: what's wrong!

Garrett: Y/N not in a fit state to get home. The bartender Adam has just rang and said can I come get her.

Andrew: Isn't she out with someone?

Garrett: No. The bartender said she was on her own the whole night!

Morgan: She's pathetic!

Ryland: Morgan! What's your problem?

Morgan: Her. She's the problem every since she got here it's been about her all the time. And because Andrews on a date she goes out and gets herself into a state. That's ridiculous.

Andrew: Wait. She left because of me?

Garrett: No ignore Morgan she's just mad.

Andrew got up form his chair.

Andrew: I'm sorry Megan but I've got to go get Y/N. I hope you can understand. Garrett come on.

Megan: yeah sure.

Garrett and Andrew got into Andrews car and went to the club.

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