The day everything fell into place

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I had to get in the car with Garrett as there wasn't any room in the Uber. I didn't mind. I love Garrett. I just really missed Andrew, already.

In the car Garrett and I did a car pool karaoke for my channel and we just talked about everything. Then Garrett found a succulent in his car.

When we got to the park everyone was already there. Andrew started filming Garrett as soon as he got out he car.

Garrett: I had a succulent in my car, do you think I could plant it here?

Andrew laughs. He then zooms the camera in on me and I smile.

Ryland starts running around the streets with the stroller.

Ryland: I'm a mummy jogger like a vlogger but a jogger.

Andrew:(laughing) you get hit by a car. (Everyone laughs)

I then ask over to Andrew and hold his hand. He smiles then kisses my forehead.

Andrew: I missed you! ( he whispers in my ear)

Y/N: I missed you too!

Andrew then turns the camera back on.

Everyone gathers in a group and we all walk to the park. Ryland is pushing the stroller Shane is next to him. Andrew is in front of us all and I'm stood next to Garrett.

Garrett: what if someone's mean to him at the park? ( Garrett, me and the Mum in unison) "I'll beat them up" ( Everyone laughs)

Shane: That's my uncle Garrett and aunt Y/N. They went to prison once. (I laugh)

Me and Garrett ran into the park to plant the succulent. While Shane and and the rest pushed Adrix in the swing. Andrew zoomed in on us.

Shane: they look like a crazy homeless couple. (Andrew laughed)

After we had planted the succulent, me and Garrett went on the green spinner. Shane told Andrew to get inside and get a cool shot.

We spun around and I started feeling sick so I got out. We played with Adrix for a while until we spotted the climbing frame. Shane and Garret got on first with Andrew.

Garrett: I can't fit. (He and Shane laughed)

Then me and Ryland joined in.

Ryland: you guys are too big!

Shane: Okay I'm triggeredddd!

Everyone laughed

We was messing around on the climbing while Teresa joined us in the park. She held Adrix mostly while we was being big kids.

Shane: now that looks like torture. (He said pointing towards a rope bridge)

A little kid was about to cross it and Shane said...

Shane: looks like I have some competition (Shane and Andrew laugh. The kid looks at Shane) I'm kidding. (The kid then plays with the twirling hypnotising kinda thing) omg she's hypnotising me to fail. (Me and Andrew laugh) (Shane makes it to the end of the bridge and his legs don't fit through.)

Ryland goes on the zip wire kid version. Then Shane tries it out while we all stand and watch.

Teresa: like kris Jenner says your doing good sweetie!

Shane: like Caitlin says....

Garrett: help! Help!

Everyone laughs. Shane starts screaming when he's on the zip wire. Then i try it as I go to slide down Shane shouts.

Shane: slide in the dms... very slowly!

After we all continue to play for a couple hours then we go get some ice cream.

I am sat next to Andrew and he has his arm around me. I play my head on his shoulder and he puts his head on mine.

Y/N: today's been good! (I turn my head to look at Andrew. I kiss him)

Our kiss breaks.

Andrew: I love you!

Y/N: I love you too.

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