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(Andy's POV)

"That was impressive."

Brook and Harvey said, I looked at each one of them in the eyes for a short time, Rye was the only one not looking at me.

"Thanks," Brook added with Jack at the same time, I smile at them, "No problem, no one treats any of you like that," I added firmly, I sometimes might get a little too protective about them, but I normally am not the only one as Rye sometimes is really protective too, he just does it a little less obvious normally.

Mikey started to laugh a little, "we are a weird group of friends, and sorry Andy, for not believing you and for laughing about you."

"We so are, but I wouldn't change that for anything, it's okay."

Rye had stayed silent during all of it, despite all his hickeys and how they made me feel I was still worried about him, normally he would have said something, he always does, but he just looked down not facing any of us. 'Why didn't he look at me... or one of the others,' I really wanted to talk with him, I really wanted to help him, I didn't even know what exactly was his problems, but that didn't stop me from wanting to help him.

"Ry..." I asked, my voice wavered being afraid of his answer, 'maybe he doesn't even answer at all.'

Rye turned around walked to his room and slammed the door shut.

"Rye..." I said again, hoping he would hear me and would be willing to talk with me, 'or with one of the others, if he really doesn't want to talk with me.' I walked up to the Rarvey room and knocked on the door, "Rye... can w..."


"Can we please talk."

I waited for an answer but Rye didn't answer, I felt the gazes of the others on my back, but I was to focused on me wanting to talk with Rye about why he acts like that, 'did I do anything wrong? Was it my fault that he reacts like that, could I change anything about it, how do I change it, did I overreact over his hickeys?' I knew, that I did overreact but I thought I only did it in my own mind and didn't show what I really felt to the outside, because I knew I don't have a real reason to react like this, Rye and me are just best friends and best friends shouldn't get and normally didn't get jealous when one of them gets in a relationship. There were just a few problems, I hoped we could be more and we often behave like we were more than just best friend, at least that is what I told myself. Maybe I also interpreted way too much into these moments and for him, they were nothing special and had nothing to do with feelings towards me. I started to think more and more that it was the last of those and he just acted like it because we knew some roadies love it a lot.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket to take a lock on who had called, it was Blair, so I accepted the called and put in on speaker,

"Why the fucking hell did you threw Zach out of the flat," Blair screamed, I looked at the others and moved a finger in front of my mouth hoping they understood that they all shouldn't say a single word, as I was the one who threw him out. "For all, I care you can sleep on the streets?!?!?!?! Really, Andrew Robert Fowler, I expected more from you, a lot more. How could you treat Zach like that." I started to get angry, 'oh, so Zach went to Blair crying, probably he shouldn't have said what he did in the first place. Does Blair really think I would throw him out without a reason.'

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