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WARNINGS; cussing



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The torn up, old, used looking rust-red car stopped at the side of the road, the driver peering out over the very crowded campus. A mix of happy, excited faces and "I want to die" faces seemed to be evident across the mass amount of teens. The door of the rust-red car swung open and out stepped a girl. Her black hair had big curls that bounced on her tan shoulders with each step she took around to the trunk of her vehicle. She opened up the trunk, a gross squeaky sound erupting from the hinges the trunk door was on. She cringed slightly as people stopped, looking at her funny. She brushed it off and grabbed her belongings and closing the door. She took in a deep breath before locking her car up and walking onto campus, joining the throng of people.

"Aradia!" The raven headed girl swiftly turned only to be engulfed in a hug. She couldn't really see who was hugging her but she could make out his voice.

"Oh my god, Eridan? Is that really you?" She asked in shock. The brunette haired hipster giggled and pulled back from her body.

"Of course it is! I missed you so much, dude!" He exclaimed with a big smile. Aradia gave him a smile in return and chuckled at his excited nature.

"Me too, what have you been up to Ed's?" She asked, her hazel eyes growing curious. The blonde groaned at the nickname but happily complied in telling her what he had been up to after high school.

"Well I see we've done the same, took two years off after hell— HIGHSCHOOL I mean." Aradia laughed at his joke, but in all reality it was quite true. High school was quite literally hell. But let's not get into that.

"Yeah, I don't think I've had a meal that wasn't insta-noodles in two years." The ravenette sighed running a hand threw her bangs.

As the two approached the entrance of the big building which is said to be the actually school, where classes are held and stuff. On the other side of this building is where are the dorm's are. After the two went to the main buildings office, got registered, were given a map and dorm room keys, along with their class schedule, they headed towards the dorms.

"Alright, well this is my stop. Text me later, I'll give you my number." Eridan issued with a smile. Aradia happily complied and gave him her phone so he could enter him number. After that they went their separate ways, departing into their new homes. Though it didn't feel like home to Aradia. She still felt it needed more colour considering how white and baron it looked. Then she remembered that she had taken along with her some posters, fairy lights, and bed sheets. She gasped at this new found information, then slap herself in the face mentally for forgetting. She has such a bad memory sometimes.

After attempting to reach the window that was one her side of the room by stacking books on top of each other, which clearly ended in her falling, she had finally finished setting up the lights. They were red, paper balls which each had a light in them, making the luminescent a soft maroon. She smiled at her decorating skills then flopped onto her bed sheet which had red pixelated stars on a black background. She gave out a sigh of tiredness and slapped her hand down right on the place where she left her phone on her bed. Picking it up and biting it to her face she scanned to time.

"It's only 5?" She yawned, and put her phone down again. "I'm still tired." And with that, the black haired girl with hazel eyes drifted into sleep.

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