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Waking up is like coming out of a hundred year slumber. Like the kind sleeping beauty was in. I just can't open my eyes, I can't move and I almost think that I can't breath. That's until, I could hear myself breathing.

I feel my eyelids trying to open. I try to open them. They feel as heavy as bricks and I fail to do so. I keep trying but all I can see is a sliver of blinding white light through my very slightly opened eyes for a milli-second. I try a different strategy. I try to move my fingers. Nothing. I try to move my toes. Nothing. I try to move my lips. Noth... Wait! I can move my lips! Just smally. Like a twitch. But I can work with that! I try to open my lips but all I accomplish is another lip twitch. I try to say something like "I'm alive!" or "Why can't I move?" But all that can escape is a choking cross gurgling sound. I hear bustling and wish I can see what's going on around me.

I try to take in what I can. I'm lying on a really weird feeling bed, I'm wearing some sort of uncomfortable dress, I can feel some plastic and tape on both of my arms, I hear a rhythmic sort of beeping and everything smells like... Hospital! I'm in a hospital! The last thing I remember is... Wait! Why can't I remember anything! My head starts banging and I feel really sick, like I'm going to throw up my entire stomach. I hear a sweet, female sounding voice calling my name and holding my shoulders, lightly shaking them. It's as if they're trying to wake me up. I try to open my eyes and it works. My vision is blurry and water. When my eyes adjust to the light I see a beautiful young lady that I guess is a nurse. She has wavy, auburn hair, dark brown eyes, a slim figure and when she sees my open eyes, an instant dazzling smile. I'm sitting in what looks to be a cot in a very small hospital room.

"Finally!" she exclaimed. Her voice was laced in excitement. "Hi Samantha. I'm Lindsay and I really don't want to overwhelm you so we won't let anyone in." Wow! She's perky. But I like her. She seems nice.

"Are you up to talking?" Lindsay asks me sounding genuinely concerned and her face instantly goes into a worried expression. I then try to talk and it hurts my chest and my dry throat but I can still do it.

"Hi," I say. The sunshine smile is back on her face and I can feel my self smiling too. Suddenly, I am acutely aware of the pain again. The pain just gets bigger and bigger. I realise I'm screaming and Lindsay hands me a tablet and water. I swallow the tablet and feel myself begin to get drowsy, my image of Lindsay becoming blurry before falling to sleep.


I wake up, the pain in my head gone and the realisation that I have tons of questions and no Lindsay here to answer them. Feeling much better than the first time I had woken up, I look around at the hospital room I am in. I had clearly been moved since the first time I was woken up because the room was much bigger and fancier than the other one. The walls are painted a cream colour and the light is coming from the window on the far wall that had the black sheer curtains drawn back, there is the bed I am sitting on, the machinery and cords on both sides of it, a television on the wall directly in front of me, a door to the left of it that leeds to what I guess is a bathroom, another door to the left of me that leeds to the corridor of the hospital dorm, and a small table with chairs surrounding it in the corner.

I try to move myself and surprise myself when I see that it is very easy. I see a red button in a plastic encasing and, knowing that it is the call to get my nurse, I press it. Lindsay comes rushing in almost instantly with that sunshine smile. Before she can say anything I try to talk myself find it much easier than before.

"Lindsay, can you please tell me why I'm here, who did this and how long I've been here please?" All she does is nods and begins to tell me the story.

"You had a crash in your car," I feel my jaw drop at the comment. Partly because I can't believe it happened and partly because I don't remember any of it. I have so many more questions but resist knowing that Lindsay will answer them.

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