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"Are you ready?" Lindsay asked me. I thought about the question for a second and then hesitantly nodded. She opened the door just slightly and told my parents that they can come in before slipping out the door as my parents rushed through. When I see them, I instantly recognise their faces. I have a smile that reaches my ears as my Mum and Dad come and surround my skinny figure with their arms as they hug me. They both give me a kiss before retreating to the end of my bed. They look cautious as if not knowing if they should talk or not. I mean, I just came out of a coma not a war!

Mum has brown eyes, olive skin and a small five foot six stature. She has a small nose, a cherry chin but has quite big ears in proportion to the the rest of her face. She has golden, wavy hair that is kept in a pony tail at the back of her head. She still looks like she's in her mid forties even though, if my math is correct, she should be fifty-two. Both my parents have full eyebrows but Mum has a very skinny figure while Dad's is much more masculine. Mum is wearing a blue blouse and black pants.

Dad has blue eyes and golden brown hair that is currently turning grey from old age. He should be fifty-five now. He also has olive skin, small ears, a butt chin and a big nose. His hair is cut short around his head. Dad is around six foot three and is looking at me intently. He looks much older than Mum than he actually is as he has more wrinkles, more grey hairs - probably because Mum dyes her hair - and his wrinkles are more defined.

"Hi!" I exclaim happily. The smiles on both of their faces intensifies.

"Hi!" They both reply simultaneously and we all erupt into a fit of giggles.

I feel much more confidence in speaking to them and decide to continue. "Is there much I missed out on?" I inquire. Mums face falls straight away while Dads slowly fades into a frown.

"There is a lot as it was a while," Dad begins anxiously, glancing at Mum before continuing. "But the most important things have been told to you by Lindsay."

"Any other big changes?" I ask them both. They look uncomfortable when I ask them this.

"Well, uh, um. Not really any family drama's but, well, there is one," she sighs looking towards me with sympathetic eyes and looking slightly sick. "Nan died." No. No no no no. This couldn't have happened! I let out a groan, feeling the backs of my eyelids burning and my eyes threatening to let tears escape. I curl into a ball and rock back and forth lightly, hoping that it will take away the pain of the loss of Nan. Mum runs up to me and gives me a gigantic bear hug as Dad walks up, sits next to me on the edge of the cot, and rubs circles on the small of my back.

I refuse to cry, so I lift my head and ask "When?"

"Two years ago," Dad tells me. I release a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding and nod.

"How?" I ask.

"She had heart cancer and it spread quickly," Dad tells me.

I hear Mum's phone beep and she releases her arms from around me and walks to the small table with the white hydrangeas that Cole bought for me. She looks at her phone and frowns.

"Of course other things have happened but that one is really the only family related thing," Dad tells me in a calm voice. "Cole, Cecilia, David and Katy are all waiting outside for their turn to talk to you. When we leave, would you like them all to come in or just one at a time?"

I think about this. I mean, I was kind of "living" with Cole. But why would Katy be out there? I mean, I hated her! Oh my gosh are we like, friends now. I think I'm going to faint. Also, I know that I was friends with Cecilia. If she's here that this friendship was totally meant to last. But there is David, and he is kind of my brother. I think I've made my decision.

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