not an option

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i couldn't believe that i had actually agreed to do this, but here i stood, organizing my gym bag, getting ready to play again.

i hadn't played since i aged out of peewees, deciding to focus on music. it had always been a passion of mine, and i wanted to explore it. i even had a band with a few of my more angsty friends.

but when i got the call, offering me a spot on team usa with the ducks, i couldn't refuse.

i heard my phone ring, and grabbed it, taking a seat on my bed,"hello?"

"hey," larson's voice rung out,"we're gonna play a prank on the old duckies. are you in or are you in?"

i sighed, twisting the telephone cord in my fingers. i could tell this was going to be awkward to explain,"ummm, yeah...i can't really be, uh, doing that anymore."

"why not? has the captain become more of a sailor?" he teased me.

i chuckled, shaking my head,"i can't do anything to the ducks, okay?"

"are you chicken?"

i scoffed,"are you six years old?"

he groaned,"what's your problem, pendland? you love messing with them."

i rolled my eyes. truth is, it had been years since i had done any of that stuff. larson just couldn't stop holding onto the past,"i'm gonna go. bye babe, lose my number."

i kissed the phone obnoxiously and hung up, not letting him get another word out.

i sighed and leaned against my headboard. the thought of seeing the ducks again stressed me out. i was hoping they were willing to let bygones be bygones, but i knew that probably wouldn't be the case.

but the drama of it all, was quite exciting. if i were an innocent bystander, i would love to see it go down.

but that wasn't my position in all of this, so i wasn't sure what i would do.

i was a pretty cocky person, so i think butting heads will be inevitable. let's just pray it doesn't stay like that forever.

all of us rookies skated onto the ice, and i made sure to hide behind the taller members of the team. i could feel my palms sweating under my gloves, but i tried to keep my confident demeanor.

bombay smiled, looking right at us,"tell me about my team."

tibbles nodded, introducing the first boy, "that's luis mendoza, from the miami skater club. quite the speedster. 1.9 seconds blue line to blue line."

i raised my eyebrows, impressed at the incredibly quick timing. luis skated around a while before eventually ramming into the boards.

tibbles smiled akwardly,"he has a little trouble stopping."

"i'll say." goldberg muttered.

i chuckled silently. it was apparent that goldberg hadn't changed. we all skated over and helped him up, bringing him back to the center of the rink.

tibbles moved on to the next person,"dwayne robertson. best puck handler i've ever seen."

coach bombay quirked his eyebrows,"you mean for his age?"

tibbles shook his head,"no, i do not."

"hey, this is easier than roping hogs!" dwayne bragged, throwing around the puck.

enemies • mighty ducksWhere stories live. Discover now