Let go

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Let go your anger because it will eventually turn to hatred. Hatred towards the source that caused anger. Anger is the effect!
Hatred is not towards the effect it's towards the owner that rented it to you, so that you can destroy yourself.
Angry? Don't keep that. Don't tolerate. Let it leave.
It was hard for Daniela to let go her anger. Anger of loneliness. Anger of abandonment. Anger of unrequited love. Anger of her imperfections. But she did overcome not once but infinite number of times.
The moon was patient than men. She spoke with an effort,
" Ignore your imperfections,you can't alter them, nor set them right. If the road is wet will you stop walking? No right. There's a different essence to the wet muddy roads. The essence of life gets enhanced due to imperfections. If you have imperfections then accept those  who also have imperfections."
The shine in her eyes said that now life seemed satisfactory. She never forgot the moon while counting stars.
Greatness does not descend on you when you look up and stand. It comes to you when your heart is filled with gratitude for what your looking up at!
Gratitude can be extended till an extent that has no extents.
Daniela showed gratitude and then nothing actually happened. But something surely happened that she wasn't aware of. The potential in her personality was pulled. Ego was killed. She could embrace an heartbreak without hurting her soul, her higher self.

Yes, she had her love gone.
Love is a game!

She later opens the door for the moon to peep into her heart without insecurities. Again for the moon cannot hurt you, cannot judge you but yes does listen to you. It feels your energy it sends more of it. Opening a diary and reading it out loud brings back memories, creates an opportunity to feel the same sort of  emotions again.
"Only those who see your soul can differentiate between drops of water and your tears when your completely drenched in rain. My eyes long to see the one, but hundreds of them come my way except the one. These tears run as time runs, flow as time flows. Never do they dry up. Never will they until the thirst of that wait is quenched. For the wait is longer than my eyelashes, darker than my eyebrows. The wait is patient, quite, calm, placid, gentle, steady, unmoved and still. Will it ever stop?", she stops.

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