Silence is seductive

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Daniela's wounds were cut open like ruby lips. Her wound was her dumb mouth. She'd to face the fury and fierce of this world. It's not surprising that some people are clueless about cruelty. Verbal violence was so in use and her self esteem was getting killed, conflict by conflict. Those cumbersome harsh words that the world threw at her repeated in her head like a song played on radio gets stuck!
Her all fights were dreadful. Fight with wrath of the world. Daniela's spirit was ranging for revenge. She cursed every tongue that sent a shiver back her spine, she wished they all sat tongue-tied forever.
Speaking against the rules was like running against time. People who think out of the box find it hard to fit in the box, infact they don't even know that there's a box.
The question was why the hell are people so bitter. She found an answer, bitter experiences make people bitter.
Bitter cannot be treated with anything bitter like a revenge. Love if served had the power to heal wounds and fade scars too.
Daniela had received unconditional love from him through the universe that helped her shattered hopes shine brighter than ever. Love can be passed, no, spread. It's a game after all.

"Don't know why these lips refrain from taking your name. You've been the colour of my lips.
You've been the reason why these lips opened, to speak sweet?
No they opened for I can define myself.
The borders of my lips that had no fixed boundaries, got built.
You've been the reason of my silence when I was in need of clarity.
People say finger on your lips.
But does that shut me, the real me permanently?
Your name turns my dry lips moist. Conversion from brown to pink and finally to red you've made it possible.
You've been the red oozing out of my chapped reds.
If I've healed the wounds, you've made me recognise my wounds.
You said they existed.
Inspite of residing in my every cell these lips refrain from taking your name.
You've been the smile that comes out of nowhere during intense agony.
Why, oh why don't you let me speak?
Why don't you let me laugh?
Why can't I use your name anymore?
Speak to you
Laugh at you
Let me".

" Daniela, dinner's ready!", her mom opens the door of her room rushing in like the house is set on fire.
" Oh god your still standing there, it's been hours. Stop staring at the moon", she says.
"Yes ma, comming, one second hold on". Daniela closes the window with decorum.
At the dinner table there was food, lots. Daniela's favourite soup was prepared. She had fixed  her mom's favourite purse, really precious one.
Some music was also being played. Daniela's lifeless emotions transformed in fraction of seconds. Her eyes sparkled, breathing accelerated. The heat of the room spread throughout her chest and into the roots of her hair. All this was accompanied by a racing pulse. She was blushing. While running her tongue over her lips she got caught by her mom. Daniela's gaze focused on the plate intensely.
Mom and she shared silent glances at each other. Loads of love was clouding on top of the table. The song remind her of him. That was a universal sign that he was thinking of her. She gently rubbed her silver bracelet biting her lips.
" I know it's that school guy again. Why don't you invite him for dinner?".
Her mom spoke with confidence. She knew he was the only one who could change her blank face to bubbly red.
"Ma he's out of town." Daniela lied. She had no idea as to where he was.

There was silence due to his absence. Silence of her actions.
No eye contact, no physical presence, no smile, no touch, no conversations, no calls, no texts.
If the silence could be soo seductive, imagine what would the effect be like in his presence!
Silence of separation is something that only true souls know.

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