Unintentional flirt

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Daniela's intense stare caught the attention of men in petty shops, guys in college, tea sellers and construction site workers.
People mistook her stare as arrogance. Her stare was a puzzle, picture was never clear what she intended. Especially for the youngsters. That stare of hers portrayed anger from her past, being implemented in the present that would process the future.
Many found it hard to maintain an eye contact as though they're afraid to see themselves in others eyes. Some did look straight into those naive eyes but with lust. Lust ruins innocence.

The smokers looked harder and deeper into her eyes, hyperfocused on pouring their stress into this souls eye. Daniela had a soul that equalled to that of an angel.
One look and grasp, the whole story of one is grasped.
Some refrained from letting their eyes meet with hers with a fear of knowing that she would not only see what they showed her but also what they're hiding.
Fear of your own personality doesn't make sense, being proud of your personality is the key to it. Key to live life exactly the way you want to or always wanted to live.
Sometimes the intense stare gives a blank innocent look labelling it as permanent dumbness.
Daniela couldn't stop staring at the crowd she silently learned what had to be learnt using intuition. She matched their response to a particular situation  with hers by creating different ways of responding to the same situation in her mind.
She noticed why people did what they did and continued doing so.
In that short span during the eye contact instantaneously the opposite party's energy would be absorbed and felt by her.
It's quite familiar to people living in the spiritual realm, the fifth dimension but are living in third dimension.
These conscious actions won't make sense to the crowd.
Who would go around the world untangling their thoughts and elaborating their complexity.
Those winks and whistles from random street men, the loud scary laughter of strangers in the public and consistent effort ah ya the way they try to get attention, ignore them. Ignore them all.
I know it makes you feel overwhelmed ladies. Stalking isn't checking out it's an intense research of an individual.

" Oh the eyes I see,
some deep red some blue
those covered with cloudy cornea,
few blank blinks,
few blink with sorrow within
all depressed or emotions suppressed.
Great messages get delivered through those eye balls,
heavily pigmented iris, weak eyelids of drunkards,
Oh I see all of it,
I receive the light that passed through his eyelens, it said,
I'm strained please shut the laptop,
Some with squint eyes
some with pure white sclera
The dark blood vessel on the white, proved one sleepless night
Bright eyed boys stalking women on the streets
The shine in his eye I saw, oh the child needed the toy!
Confused running eyes, killer eyes
all rage and wrath filled.
The irritable eye was of the smartphone boy
Oh yes the eyes I see I do see.
Tell me what your deepest darkest secret is ?
How much have you undergone?
Is it more than me?
Tell me!"
Daniela confirms her statement that yes she does see them all.

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