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Alexandra's POV

I woke up, yawning, and suddenly noticed that I was not on the living room couch..
What the hell?
The last thing I remembered was falling asleep on the couch, yet here I was on my bed with a blanket over my body.
How did I get here? I sat up on the bed and thought..
If I did come here by myself I'd have remembered it right? I was never this much confused..

I mean it's not like there was anybody else in the house to-
Nah that can't be. That asshole?
After all that  shouting and yelling?
There is no way in hell that he put me to bed..

Even if he did so..
That's the only question I had..
Why is he so cold to one time, and apparently care about me on another time?

I sighed and got out of bed. I realised that I was still wearing last night's clothes, and my stomach was grumbling so loud..
"Oh shut up stomach.." I slapped my belly and slowly walked to the kitchen with the help of my crutch.

On the way, I smelled coffee..

I curiously peeked into the kitchen and saw that Seth was there sipping a cup of coffee..

He turned back, and eyed me with no interest.
"Good morning" I mumbled..
He just nodded..

"Did you make coffee for me too?" I hopefully asked.
"Why should I?" he asked.

Oh not again with this stupid arrogance..

"Um... Right.. I'll make one.." I whispered..

"I'm asking this because I really have no idea how this happened.. Do you have any idea about how I ended up in my bed last night?" I asked while making the coffee.

"How is that a surprise to you? Aren't to supposed to end up in your bed at night literally every day?" he snickered.
"I asked it because I'm pretty sure that I fell asleep on the couch last night.." I said..

"Then you must've sleep walked to the bed or something.." he shrugged..
"Yeah right.." I snorted..

"Don't look at me I have no idea about how you got into bed.." he said looking at his mug..

"Alright alright.. I guess I was so sleepy I didn't remember going to bed.. I mean I haven't even changed my clothes! I must've been so sleepy.."
"Yeah that must be it.." he mumbled.

"Oh hey, when is Karla coming again?" I asked from him.
"Oh she's coming today. Why?"
"I need her to go to town and buy some stuff. This pantry is almost empty.."
"Then write down the list of stuff you want and give it to her. Or else she'll forget.. She always forgets something.."
"Okay then.." I said...

"Can you write the list right now? Then I can add the things I want before I leave.."
"Before you leave?"
"Yeah I have to go to Pittsburg for two days."
"Two days? Like.. Two whole days?"
"Oh..Is Roman going there too?"
"Why?" his expression suddenly darkened..
"Just curious.." I mumbled..

"Well write the damn list already!" he said..
"Yeah yeah sure!!"
I found a notebook and a pen in one of the drawers and started jotting down what needed to be bought.

After a while, Seth came to me.
"Let me see it.."
"Um just say what you want and then I can write it down.."
"Just give me the damn list will you?" he almost shouted at me..

"God here's the stupid list!" I handed it over..
"Let's see what's here.. Mmm.. Milk, apples, flour, baking soda, pasta, cheddar, pickles, butter, blah blah blah.. More blah blah blah.. And....", he paused and eyed me..

Oh god no!
"What?" I asked.
"You wear pads?"
"It's none of your business.." I huffed and tried to snap away the notebook but he was much quicker.

"Whoa Whoa.. Slow down Shorty.. I didn't write what I wanted to buy.." he  mocked at me and took the pen and sat down to write..

Wow.. He called me Shorty again.. He really has found me a nickname... I thought for myself.. I can't help but smile at that name.. 'Shorty'.. The name sounds so personal.. And cute.

Within seconds he gave the notebook back..
"Here." he said with a cocky grin..

I took it and looked down to see what he had written..
On the last line of the list, he had written one word with his slanted handwriting..


"Uhem.."I cleared my throat, trying not to sound embarrassed..
" Is that all you want? " I asked.
" Yeah... "
" Fine. I'll give this to Karla then. Oh wait.. "I took the list again and wrote down something I had forgotten..
" What did you write? "he was curious..
" Oh it's nothing.. "I showed him the list..

" Dark chocolate? Oooh are you going to make a dessert or something? "
" Well I guess I could if you want.. "I shrugged.
" Well make it on a day I'm at home.. I just love dark chocolate.. " he said..
" Aww me too.. "I blurted out..
He narrowed his eyes.
" It's nothing to be 'awww'ed about.. "
" God this man is hard to please.. "I whispered under my breath..

His face got hardened..
Instead of saying anything, he just left..

After I had my morning coffee and some cereals for breakfast, I cleaned myself and changed into a new pair of clothes.. Then I slowly walked to the living room.. Seth was already there with his suitcase, and he was busy on his phone.

He didn't see or hear me coming and it seemed like he was on a call..
I didn't want to eavesdrop but I couldn't help but hear what he said either..

"No, I'm going out of town today..
I already told you that the last day we met don't you remember?
Yeah sure we can meet when we get back. Yeah. Yeah I promise..
What? The hell? You perfectly know what happens between us is neither official nor serious.. Ugh..
Just shut the fuck up Jasmine!!! We'll talk when we get back.. "

He disconnected the call, groaning. Then he turned back and saw me standing there frozen like a statue..

" I didn't mean to eavesdrop.. I didn't know you were on a call and.. And I only heard the last part..."
" Forget it... "he sounded annoyed and I decided that it was best if I kept my mouth shut..

Then he turned to me again..
"I'll be back on Sunady. You're not going anywhere on these two days right?"
"No I don't think so.." I replied..
"Good. Just stay inside the house. If you want money for anything, I've kept some in the drawer in your room.."
"Thank you.." I whispered..

"Okay my uber will be here any minute." he glanced at his wristwatch and said.. He looked at me again and then stepped closer to me.

"Just..", he took a deep breath..
"Just be safe okay? Don't get into any trouble or anything..." he whispered..
I looked into his chocolate brown eyes.. They were filled with an emotion I didn't recognise..

"Yeah.." I mumbled looking away.
God this feels awkward.. He was almost yelling at me earlier and now he's asking me to be safe..

"I'm going." Seth said, taking his suitcase in one hand..
"Have a safe journey Seth." I uttered..
"I will.." he said, and turned to me and ruffled my hair..
"Goodbye Shorty!!"
"Goodbye!" I waved my hand until he was out of sight.

I suddenly felt so lonely. It was so hard to be in such a huge house all by yourself.

However now that Seth was gone, it meant that I could finally do what I had been waiting the last few days to do. I just needed to stay here until Karla arrived.

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