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Alexandra's POV

I watched Seth with my mouth hanging open wide.. All those movements he did, jumping over the ropes, all those kicks, punches, somersaults .... No wonder he was absolutely energetic and agile in everything he did, including what he does in bed...

"You look like another crazed fan of his... Drooling all over him.." Bayley chuckled, watching me.
"Well what can I say, this is the first time I'm seeing him wrestling live... Now I get how there are screaming girls all around him whenever we go somewhere.." I replied..

"So, tell me, how did you guys meet? Seth told me bits and blobs, but I wanna know all that happened..." she said excitedly...
"Well... It's a long story..."
"I love long stories.."
I smiled at her..
"Mmmmm... I met him by accident, actually..."


"So, you're telling me.. You guys were... accidentally in love? Literally?"
I chuckled at her response.. Of course I hadn't told her about the contract and all..
"I guess you could say that.."
She beamed, eyeing me with a smile..
"That's so romantic!!!"
I couldn't help but blush..
I smiled and eyed the screen, where the match between the Shield and.. er.. some three other guys was still going on..

Bayley, too focused on the match, and chuckled as I winced when the muscular, dark haired guy punched Dean repeatedly..
"Don't worry Alex.."
"It's hard not to.." I said, eyeing the screen again.

Roman was covering the muscular African American man that was lying down on the ring, and the referee counted to three. The entire arena erupted with cheers as the bell rang, announcing the Shield's victory.

The trio raised their hands, grinning triumphantly. Putting their hands on each other's shoulders, they walked up the ramp, posing for photos with the fans.

"Hey Buddy.. " Bayley suddenly said,looking behind me. I turned to see Seth walking towards us, wiping his face with a towel.
"Looks like you girls are busy..." he commented, putting his hand over my shoulder. I looked at him with absolute wonder. How come this man is even standing after that match?!

"That was one heck of a match, bud.." Bayley commented, nodding her head..
He looked at me, to see what I had to say..
"It was good.. So energetic.. But scary too.."
He grinned.
"Scary? The wasn't anything scary going on there.." he shrugged.
"May be.. But I don't know.. I was so worried you'd get hurt.." I murmured, looking at him intently...
A smile appeared on his lips.
"Awww sweetheart.. Don't worry.. Nothing happened.." he said, leaning down and kissing my lips softly.

"I'm going to the locker room. Are you coming?" he asked, running his fingers over my back...
I looked at him a bit doubtful.... I did want to go with him, but I kinda wanted to stay with Bayley. I rarely had good time with girls, and the ability to be comfortable and open with her about my relationship with Seth made this time a wonderful one.

"We were having some quality girltime Seth... Don't interrupt it.." Bayley all of a sudden said, as if she had read my mind..
Seth gave out a little chuckle..

"Yes m'am. Then I'll go and change. You can come after this precious discussion is over." he ruffled my hair, pinched my nose and left us for ourselves.
I turned my head to look at him, walking down the hallway with heavy footsteps.

When I turned back to Bayley, another familiar voice was heard behind us.
I turned my head to see Roman grinning down at me.
" Hey... " I beamed and took his hand in mine.
He suddenly tensed, and almost drew his hand back, but stopped himself..

"Is.. Is anything wrong?" I dubiously asked, peering into his eyes..
"Er.. No... Just tired.." he murmured, with half a smile.
"Um... Okay..." I said, and signalled him to sit down next to me..
"Mm nah... I gotta get to the locker room.. I absolutely stink and I need a shower.." he chuckled...

"Bayley, Sasha and Natalya stand by, your match is next", an announcement suddenly echoed throughout the hallway, which made Bayley stand up.

"Oops.. Gotta go, love.. I guess you better head to Seth, too." she smiled and jogged away, after giving me a tight hug.

"Shall we?" Roman asked, and I nodded..
We walked along the hallway, until he stopped in front of a door that bore his name.
"You know where Seth is, right?"
"Yeah..." I nodded...
"Then I'll see ya later Alex.." he smiled, and I waved him goodbye.

I walked a little further and turned right, and I saw Seth's locker room near the end of it.
Humming a little song, I walked over, and I was surprised to see the door only half-closed .

Seth never leaves a door ajar...

I slowly pushed it and it opened without a sound. I took a step inside and then I froze.


This can't be...

I felt my legs buckling, and tears brimming in my eyes..

In front of my eyes, was a sight I never thought I would see.

Seth was sitting on the bench, and straddling his lap, was Leighla.

I couldn't see his face, all I could see was Leighla's back, and how she kept on grinding against him, kissing him like crazy.

No.. It can't be him..

Then my eyes moved onto his knees, where Seth's logo was definitely printed on.

Yes, that's him.

They hadn't heard the door open, they hadn't even heard me step in.

I felt a knot forming in my heart. One more second of this and there's a good possibility of me fainting.

Silently, I took a step back, into the hallway, pulling the door back with me.

I just couldn't even think straight.. Tears were rolling down my cheeks, and I felt my mind losing clarity second by second...

Where am I supposed to go?

I walked and walked, and I was in the other hallway that I came in earlier , which was empty.. On the far end, somebody was fiddling with something, but I doubt he heard me..

I leaned against a box that was on the hallway, trying to steady my breath..

No... What I saw wasn't real...

But it was...

I sobbed harder, and harder, until I felt like my tiny body couldn't take it anymore..

I need something... I need something to hold onto to steady myself...

I held my head in my hands, trying hard to think.. Thinking was the hardest thing to do right now..

I know just whom to go to...

I wiped my tears with the back of my hands and started walking towards that grey door, behind which the anchor I knew that I could rely on was now at.


(A/N) Told ya turmoil was ahead! 😇😇🙈🙈😁😁
So, what do you guys think of this chapter? I know y'all are pretty angry at me for this twist, but hey, this story needs one!

And OMG!! Roman is now on Smackdown Live!!! 😍😍😍
Goshhh... I can't help but keep my hopes high that he's gonna win MITB, continue to be the WWE champion and face off his brother at Survivor Series ❤️🙈
(Well a girl can dream, can't she? 😚😚😅)

We'll see what happens..

Also.. Don't forget to vote and comment, guys. 😍❤️

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