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I waited until Karla arrived.... I rehearsed how I was going to say to convince her to agree with what I was going to do..I patiently sat on the couch, going over my plan..

A while later, the front door opened and Karla stepped in..
"Hello missy!!!" she said smiling brightly..
"Hello Karla!" I greeeted back.
"How's your leg missy? Does it hurt much?"
"Well not as much as it used to.. But yeah.. It hurts a bit.. And Karla, don't call me missy.. Please call me Alexandra.." I said..

"So miss- Alexandra, you can stay here until I clean.. Did you have breakfast?"
"Yes I did. Um.. Karla I need a little help from you.." I uttered..
"What is it missy?"
"Oh I told you not to call me that!" I said keeping my hands on my hips.
"Sorry missy.. I really like calling you that.. Your name is very long." she said smiling..
I laughed..
"Yeah that's true.."

"So missy you said something about needing help...." she asked looking at my face..
"Ah yeah right.." I gulped..
"So it's kind of a long request actually.. Would you mind sitting down?" I asked..
She suddenly seemed nervous...
"I.. I guess so missy.." she sat down..


"Uh..missy? You sure that we have to do this ?" she said with concern after I told her what I needed from her..
"Please Karla. I need your help for this.." I said giving her the best puppy eyes I could.
"But.. Master told me to keep you safe.. And not to let to get into any trouble.. Missy.. What we're going to do is getting into trouble..."
I sighed..
"I know Karla.. But I need to do this.. I've been waiting for Seth to get out of the house.. Tell me wouldn't you do it if it were you?"
She hesitated..

"I would've done it but missy, this is dangerous.. You yourself told me how dangerous that man could be.. What if we get caught?"
"We won't get caught.. If you help me, we have nothing to worry about.."
She looked at me nervously..
"Well then let's do it missy.. I hope you know what you're doing.."
"Me too Karla.. Me too.." I whispered.


I got into Karla's tiny car, my heart beating a thousand times faster..
I told her the directions and silently thought of what to do next.

No matter how many times I went over my plan.. Something seemed to be wrong.. Ugh.. It must be the nerves.. But it wasn't like I was going anywhere I hadn't been before..
But this time, some things were different..

Me going there 2 weeks ago was something completely normal..
But today?
Me trying to enter into that place would be a felony..
Well at least half a felony.. Since I used to live in that god forsaken hell hole..

"We're almost there missy.." Karla said disturbing my train of thoughts.
"Ah yeah right.." I said looking around..
"Stop here.." I said and took out my phone..
"Karla can you give me your phone?" I asked.
"Here." Karla handed it over..
"Thank you.." I uttered taking the phone in my hand.

"I'm going to dial his number on your phone.. You know what to do right?"
"Yes missy.." She said nervously..
I dialled the number. Seeing it was ringing, I gave the phone back to Karla..

"Hello? Is this Mr. Edward?"
"My car broke near the Camden Park. Can you come here and see what's wrong with it?"
"I know it's a bit far from where you work.. But my friend recommended me that you were a good mechanic and that's why I'm calling you. Please come and help me.. I can't leave my vehicle here.."
"How much? Um.. I'll pay as much as you want.. I really need this fixed.."
"Oh please don't say no.. I'm all by myself here.. I need your help.."
"Oh you're coming? That's great!! Please come soon.. Thank you!"

Karla disconnected the call and gave out a sigh..
"Missy that man even sounds dangerous and angry.."
"Yeah he does.." I nodded..
"Let's get going.. I don't want to waste any more time.." I said and Karla started driving..

Minutes later,we reached my previous neighbourhood..
I couldn't believe that I once thought I would have a new life here... Life is such an unpredictable thing..

" There's the house.. "I said pointing to my previous residence.
" Stop here.. " I instructed..
Karla helped me to get out of the vehicle and we walked to the house as quickly as we could..

" I hope he still keeps the spare key here.. "I muttered putting my hand into the dusty flower vase next to the door.. I moved my hand here and there, and found the small key..
" Got it!" I said and opened the door..

" God missy this space smells like garbage.. " Karla uttered wrinkling her nose..
"Yeah.. I used to keep it clean when I was here.. But since there's nobody to clean it now.. It has gone back to its former look.." I mumbled..

"Come my room was over there." I took the lead and walked towards my old tiny room..
I slowly opened the door and it welcomed me with its usual creak.
I stepped in..

"What the hell?!?" I was shocked and I almost yelled out.
"Missy you okay?" Karla sounded concerned..
"Ye-yeah.."I stuttered..

My entire room was almost empty!! The fuck.???
I could only see a few books on the table.. The bed only had the mattress and my sheets and everything was gone.
I opened my cupboard and my clothes were all gone.. All my dresses, pants, shirts.. Literally everything was gone..

"What the hell has happened in these few days?" I sat on the bed, whispering to myself..
"What's wrong missy?" Karla asked, sitting next to me.
"Everything's gone. My books.. My clothes.. All the things I had in the world.. They're gone.." I whispered..
Karla didn't say anything.. She held my hand and looked around..

I suddenly had a thought and walked into the kitchen and into the back yard..
I looked around till I found what I was looking for..
There it was.. All of my belongs.. Now a pile of ash..
"I knew he'd have done that.." I muttered..

All of a sudden, I remembered something else that I forgot to check when I was in my room..
I quickly walked back to the room and kneeled beside the bed and peered under the bed..
In the dark corner, my old duffel bag was still there, covered with dust.
"Thank god he didn't see this.."
I sighed in relief and took the duffel bag out..
"What is it missy?" Karla asked curiously.
"I'll show it when we go home.. We have to leave.. There's nothing else that I have to take.."
"Okay.." she said and took the bag from my hand..

I looked at my old room once again before leaving. I couldn't believe I used to live here.. In this tiny room...

I shook my head and scanned the room to make sure I left no trace behind. I slowly walked out of the house and replaced the key in its former place and got into the car..
"Let's go home Karla.."
I uttered and kept my head against the window, engrossed in my own thoughts..


Hello how are you guys? .. I know nothing special happens in this chapter and I'm sorry about that.. 😇  I have something special ready for you in the next chapter.. ☺️☺️
And plus, Thank you very much for supporting me by reading this story. Love you.

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