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Alexandra's POV

The Winter weather was absolutely chilly, and I was shivering as I walked down the road after I got down at my usual spot.

My walking stick made a tick tock noise against the concrete pavement, rhythmic with the sound made by wind. By now, I was gradually getting used to walk without the walking stick, but not long distances. So I still had to take it with me to college.

The cold wind was blowing, making the fallen leaves scatter all around, and I tightened my jacket around myself to get warmer.

Christmas was only weeks away, and people had began decorating their houses little by little. Beautiful holly wreaths were hung on almost every door..

A streak of warmth rushed within me as I stepped inside the house. I could hear some sounds from upstairs, so I guessed that Seth must be there. I slowly walked into my room, and changed into something comfortable, yet warm.

I walked into the kitchen and decided to make some coffee for myself. As I was waiting for the water to boil, I heard footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Seth peeked in, a gentle smile adorning his lips.
"Hey Shorty..." he said, walking closer to me..
"Hey....." I purred, snuggling into his chest.
"How was your day?" he asked, hugging me back..
"Mmmh.. The usual..." I replied, taking a deep breath to inhale his scent..

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss my forehead. He took a step back when he heard the kettle whistling.
"Make one for me too.." he requested and I nodded.
He sat down on a stool, observing me working on making the coffee..

"When are you gonna get your Christmas holidays?" he questioned, after I handed over the mug.
"Next Monday, I think. Why?" I returned, a little curious.
"Mmmmm... The week after... You know since it's the last pay-per-view and all.. I'm gonna be gone for the week..."
"Oh.." I replied. Ever since we had gotten together, the longest he had been away from me was for 3 days. By now I had grown so accustomed to have him next to me all the time and the idea of spending a week away from him was a bit too much for me to take.

He silently took a sip of his coffee, and the placed the mug on the counter.
"I was wondering....." he paused, and looked down at the mug again.
"Yeah?" I was getting nervous with the way he halted his speech.
"I was wondering if you would like to come with me.." he murmured, his eyes fixated on mine.
"Come.. With you? Like... Alongside your work and all? Moving from event to event?" I asked, a little suprised.
"Yeah.." he nodded, watching me expectantly.

"Is that okay?" I squeaked, still a bit unable to fathom the situation.
"Of course it's okay! I just... Since it's your holidays and all.. I thought maybe you could come with me, you know.. It'll be a whole new experience for you.." he explained..
"Yeah... Sure I'll come!" I replied with a smile.
He tenderly smiled back, pulling me in for a hug.


A week had passed, and today we were supposed to go to San Francisco, where the last pay-per-view of the year for WWE was scheduled to take place.

I felt someone shaking my shoulders, and I sleepily opened up my eyes.
"Mmmm? What?" I lazily groaned, wrapping the duvet around me tighter.
"Wake-up lazyass!" I heard Seth murmur next to me..
"You wake up! Imma sleep for five more minutes.." I mumbled, turning to face away from him and covering my head with the pillow.

I heard him chuckling and murmur something under his breath. I almost turned to ask what he said but-


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