Die Biatch.

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The year could only be described as hell. Those Carrow twins caused more harm than they were worth and Snape pranced about the place like he was in the right but Bella had seen him kill Albus. As she walked past him she would cast countless charms making him furious and she spent a lot of detentions with him or the Carrow twins but the worst was always round the corner. Isaac was trying to help her and she would let him sometimes but the reality was she could sit her N.E.W.T. exams and do extremely well. Everyone in the school knew this which was why she never paid attention and simply did the homework. Fear of the Dark Lord kept them all on edge as they hoped that the day would never come yet, they wanted it to just happen. They wanted all the suffering to be over yet they new more tragedy would occur if they fought. Draco seemed preoccupied and despite his bullying still he wasn't the same but no one dared to ask.

"What if I lose you as well?" Bella asked feeling racked with fear but it didn't get better. "Then you stay strong." Bella hugged her mother and kept holding strong. "I won't be able to." Bella admitted. She had felt so weak over the past year but at the moment she didn't care. She wanted her mum to be safe. "I love you too much." Bella admitted and Minerva cried a little. "What about Isaac? He needs you." But Bella wasn't having it. "We are still kids.  He will move on." Minerva sighed. "Are you staying here tonight? " Minerva asked tiredly and Bella nodded as she followed in cat form into the main bedroom and she curled at her mother's feet. Minerva pulled her closer to her chest and there she rested all night.

The year was painful with Minerva protecting the students the best she could. On one occasion when she saved Neville from Snape she heard him whisper a few points away from Gryffindor and as he did so the castle rumbled again this time it spoke "Snape get your head out of your arse." 'When will she learn?' Minerva pondered but carried on with her life secretly loving her daughter for it. As Minerva walked she knew where Snape was off to, the library, where Bella always was.

Bella was counting from ten down to one and on cue Snape strutted in as he loudly bellowed "Bella. My office, now." Seeing this would happen she had already packed up and was stood facing the door. Snape was slightly spooked by the prepared nature but let it go. Bella followed like a dog until a short cut came about. She headed through the tunnel and was waiting for Snape at his office. He raised an eyebrow but walked past her to his office. As she made her way up to the office Bella felt nostalgia was over her as she remembered Albus and the conversations the two often had in his office. The gleam that his eyes always carried and the awful sweets he always offered to visitors.

The room looked untouched and Bella found her eyes watering a little as she heard Albus greet her. "Albus. I miss you. So does mother although she is rather too busy right now to tell you herself." Albus smiled brightly at the young witch thanking her. He sat properly and with authority which made Bella feel happy and sad all at once and she felt like the two were fighting in her as she threw up on the floor making Snape sneer and remove it from the room.

"I demand that you undo the spell immediately. I have no time for such silly things." He seethed at the girl who didn't appear bothered at all. "Not until you heed my advise. Now I have O.W.L exams soon so I must be off. I am revising with Matt. You know the boy who had his arm broken by some follower in Slytherin." Bella spat making  Snape fill with regret and sorrow as he had come, over the years, to care for the girl and understood her behaviour. "You will not leave here till you do as you are told. I make no promises of protection from the twins though." Bella visibly swallowed but sat on the floor and brought her books out. Snape was amazed by her stubborn nature and murmured "true Gryffindor." As he left. Bella heard Albus laugh a small chuckle as he watched on.

The day and a few weeks passed with Snape feeding Bella very little so that Minerva wouldn't harm him. The twins regularly visited and Albus watched on fearing if he didn't and they went too far. A few times Snape intervened and sneered some comment at Bella but it only made the castle bellow out 'Snape get your head out of your arse.' So he would stop. Minerva visited but Albus assured her that as long as she was with him she would be safe but Bella was getting tired. Tired of the twins hurting her, tired of being confined to the walls, tired of bickering with Snape after Bella asked a simple question about a potion or defensive spell and he would answer then insult her. Snape meant a lot to her still despite his actions he had been nice in the past which made it harder for Bella to understand his actions.

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