Chapter Seven- The Final Straw

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Punches were thrown, screams filled the air. It was horror. Callie tried her best to fight back, but Deke was filled with conflicting emotions, and he needed them out of his system fast. A lot of them watched in awe and fright, except for one of the girls. She ran off to a phone booth on the other side of the street. And it's not pretty what happened next.

A while later, police came by. The first thing that met their eyes was a teenage boy beating the living shit out of a girl. They ran over, pulling him off. Deke pushed and tried his best to get them off him. The two men holding him apprehended him, the left one keeping him down.
"Alright you little shit, you're coming with us. You're arrested for assault of a civilian and police officer."

Arrested? That definitely meant jail time. The world slowed down for Deke, and everything came slowly. His old man stared him in the eyes, although he was clear. You could see through him. He soon flew away like dust in the wind. So, there was only one thing to do.

Deke reached into his front pocket of his jacket, pulling out a blade and stabbing the officer's leg. Blood slowly dripped out. The officer lost focus whilst in shock, Deke pulling him off and started running. He kept running and running, without caring where or why he was going. He could be running to Canada or Mississippi or Australia. He couldn't care. All he could care about was getting away. Everything flashed in his eyes. He wanted to start over. No more Deke Ruxton. All these fights and grudges, they meant nothing. He realised that. But that wasn't the only thing he realised.

Deke got shot.

Time stood still. Slowly, Deke's vision turned black and white, like he was in an old movie. He felt cold and faint. He began to fall on his knees, but he was dead before his head had hit the ground. Vince began to cry, his best buddy and hero- dead right in front of his eyes.

Looking on from afar, Sallie saw everything unfold. That one last goodbye she had planned wasn't meant to be. Tears began burning in her eyes, gently falling down her face. She held out her hand. She felt foolish. She couldn't save him.

All noise stopped, as the King of Tennessee lay dead on the street. He was gone. Up with the angels. Some may remember him a hero, others may remember him as a villain. Though all would say he was a victim. He had experienced a lot in his sixteen years. Though none of them would be remembered fondly, that was obvious enough. He was a good leader, and a good friend. He grew bitter and had hatred in his heart. That's what killed him. Emotionally and mentally.

At the funeral, everyone passed by Deke's tombstone. Next to which, lay Walter Ruxton. His father. He was laid in the cemetery on Jackson Street on September 23 1963. Everyone prayed that another boy would never end up like Deke. Though, that'll never happen. It happened with Deke, and it happened to hundreds of other hoods. Take this what you will.

The Rebel of Jackson Street

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