Chapter Twenty-Six

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Nikki's Pov:

I saw her sitting there, her chin rested against her knees as she cuddled her legs, her eyes staring at the ocean directly in front. She had been there for over an hour, in the same position, just staring. I had been following her, waiting for a moment to be able to approach her, or at least figure out a way to talk to her without her hating me as much.

I had waited until it was quiet at her house before I dropped the flowers at her door, hoping Angry wouldn't have come across them first. And as lucky as I was unlucky, Suzie-Q did collect them first, but by the hands of her fiancè Jimmy. It boiled my blood to see him around her, and to see him give her the roses I had bought, only made me want to knock him out. I bet he claimed he bought them and took the card I left her. If he was smart he would have, but from what I had gathered, I doubt that was what had happened.

Sitting at a far enough distance from her, I watched her as I hid behind my sunglasses and hair. I wanted to go to her, to talk to her, to wrap my arms around her and kiss her. But I couldn't. I knew if I did, she would only leave. She would hate me more than she already did, that was for sure.

"What're you doing here?" A voice startled me from looking at Suzie-Q.

Peeling my eyes from her, I looked up to see Tommy towering over me with crossed arms, a look of anger revealed on his face.

"I'm chilling at the beach." I replied, taking my eyes from him and towards Suzie-Q who was now being hugged by Jimmy. Of course.

"Cut the bullshit Nik. You and I both know why the fuck you're here, it's because of Sue." Tommy growled, not a hint of what use to be friendship gleaming between us anymore.

"So be it." I rolled my eyes, continuing to watch as Jimmy began to run his fingers through her beautiful long hair. But as I watched, Tommy took a step to the side and blocked my view from the girl of my dreams.

"I suggest you go away. You're the one making the mess worse, you think you're bringing her joy by coming here? She's fucking hurting and you're just adding to the dog pile of bullshit you already threw in." Tommy glared down at me, he looked like he was about to hit me at any moment.

"What happened to you? You guys use to be my best friends. Especially you Tom, you were my brother." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"When I saw what you were doing to Sue, you think I could keep standing by you? You're a lying prick, every fucking time I picked up all the pieces for you. I persuaded Sue to give you another shot and when I did, you would fuck it up. I'm sick of picking up after you. I'm sick of being the shoulder for Sue to cry on, all because of you."

"Come on, like you treat fucking Heather any better." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, well news flash Nik. She's fucking divorcing me, because she's been seeing Richie behind my back. I've fucked up with her, but she's fucked me around just as much. And let me ask this, where the fuck was my brother when I needed someone? Oh wait, he wasn't there. Only because he couldn't take the truth when I told him off because he was playing Sue, once a fucking again." Tommy scowled.

"She's been seeing Richie?" I stared up at Tommy dumbfounded, I didn't know that. I thought Tommy had just fucked up like he always managed to do. Well, ghee. I was a little surprised.

"You deaf? I just said that." Tommy rolled his eyes. "So there you go? Where was my brother, huh? But that's fine, I get it. Our friendship has always been one fucking sided. I did everything for you, picked up after you and your damage of your relationship with Sue. But not no more buddy. You're on your fucking own." Tommy looked over his shoulder back at Suzie-Q and her fiancè, a slight smile now playing on his lips.

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