Chapter Two

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No! Impossible! How on Earth? I stared dumbfounded as Nikki stepped out of the doorway, standing beside Hunter to whom Nikki towered over.
"Hello Sue." Nikki breathed, taking off his dark sunglasses and hanging them on the front of his black lose fitting singlet. "Fuck off. This isn't possible." I still stared at him, my mouth would have been gaped open.

"Oh, but it is." Nikki smiles ever so shyly. "But I suppose, it's just as possible as seeing a joint in your hand." Nikki adds, clearly noting the state that I was in and the joint. My eyes would have been blood shot as well, clearly signifying I was indeed off my head.

"You're the Nikki she's talked to me about, aren't you?" Dara asks looking just as shocked. Her accent was twice as hard to understand within her drunken-high state and no doubt Nikki wouldn't have had a clue what she said.

"I'm sorry, but what?" Nikki looked directly at Dara, his expression blank.

Dara began to giggle all over again, waving him off and slightly rocking herself back and fourth in her chair. Quite honestly, she was crazy but wouldn't admit it. Hunter glared at Nikki, looking him from head to toe before coming back to his chair beside me.

"You're all off your fucking heads aren't you's?" Nikki than asks, finally taking his attention away from Dara. He than looks at me, staring me in the eyes. Nikki didn't seem like he changed all too much, except his arms seemed to have toned and tanned up a little more. His eyes were still the beautiful green and his lips a nice pink and very kissable.

"Not at all." I wanted to laugh at how Dara was laughing but I kept myself together and continued to look at Nikki. He looked to have even gathered a couple more tattoos than what he had before, well so did I, thanks to the pair I was with.

"I need to talk to you." Nikki than abruptly admits, his eyes looked to be burning a hole through me. He was looking for visible change on me, I could just see it. I couldn't have imagine how much he could see I had changed within the last six months. For one, I was a little bit paler from being back in Sydney. I had decided to put a few natural-like blonde foils in my hair and of course a tattoo or two. I wanted to feel and look slightly different. As though I was getting rid of the old me and updating to what I was now. When it came to drugs I wasn't as uptight about it, well at least not to marijuana anyway. The rest I stayed the hell away from. I've overdosed once in my life and never again.

"Alright. Shoot." I lean back in my chair and stare up at him. Nikki's eyes darted from me to Hunter and finally to Dara before looking back at me.

"In private." He demands.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded before uneasily getting up. I was a little wobbly and my head was very light. Nikki noticed it immediately and pushed open the back door, letting me in first.

"Party pooper." I heard Dara mumble as I left.

"Aye! Fucking oath." Hunter agreed.

Slowly walking in behind Nikki, the door slamming shut behind us, I couldn't help but gape at him. He was really there, it wasn't my imagination. Nikki Sixx was really standing in front of me, and I sure as hell wasn't hallucinating.

Before anything was said, I could feel as if someone was shaking me. Closing my eyes for a moment, I reopened them to see I was back sitting in the chair by the wooden table.

"Jesus Christ! You are fucking out of it, aren't you!" Hunter's voice startled me. He was directly in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. Dara was prancing around the small back yard, as if she was merely a young child chasing a butterfly.

"What?! Where's Nikki?" I ask, sitting up straight in my chair. Glancing around me as Hunter took a step back and sat down beside me.

"Sue, there's no Nikki here. You were having a trip." Hunter murmurs.

Up To My Neck In You (Sequel to Walk All Over You)Where stories live. Discover now