Part 4 : ???...WHO WAS HE...???

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Hi Everyone...!!!

Here I'm back with next part...!!!

This part is specially dedicated to My dear friend Sonu2012...!!!

So Enjoy guys...!!!


Previously : Past revealed and Angry Devil...!!!


Devil's Angel

Part 4 : ???... WHO WAS HE ...???

Location : Earth

Swara's Room

Devil(smirking) : Hello Love...Finally we meet...

Swara was shocked to see a person in her room...she was about to shout but before that could have happen he use his powers to make her semi_conscious...she was just lost in his Dark eyes which were twinkling due to shine...

She don't know why but he was not scared from him...she know its creepy but she kind of felt safe in his presence...she have never experience it before but...she was liking it...soon the whole room was heating up...

***Mature Content***

He moves towards her and now there was no distance between them...their chests were glued to each other shocks were flowing from her chest...she was feeling his body heat slipping in herself...unwillingly she moaned making his eyes more dark with desire...

He haven't even touch her and she as already feeling hot and bothered she don't know what will happen when he will touch her for real...she was in a trance where she was just seeing Her Devil...she don't know why but she just wanted the time to stop and to be with Him for forever...the unknown person who was making her feel things she have never experienced before in her life...

He slowly raised his one hand and touch her cheek...instantly shocks flew through her cheek making her jump in desire...with other hand he hold her waist and pull her more on was like her whole weight was now dependent on him...the hand on her cheek was moving sensuously on her cheek making her close her eyes...and soon he rup his thumb on her rosy juicy lips making her shiver in pleasure...she don't know why but this time she want to imagine his lips on if Devil has heard her inner thoughts and soon his lips were on hers...

He joint his rough lips with her soft juicy ones and was slowly kissing her and she was also responding equally at first it was slow kiss he was just sucking her lips cherishing their taste...he didn't wanted to suck them too hardly and waste their softness...when he was having enough from her taste he started to dominate the kiss...their was too much passion in his kiss that it was making her legs weak an unknown feeling was settling in her stomach...if he hasn't hold her from waist...she was sure she would have become water in his feet...soon she open her mouth and let him slip his tongue in her mouth...he explore her whole mouth with his tongue tasting the sweet taste of her it was a French kiss...her hands were on his shoulders for support...the hand on her waist was now under her shirt making circles on her back...shocks were flowing from her whole body increasing her desire within her...soon both were out from breathe and broke the kiss...both rest their forehead on each other's enjoying the moment...

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