Kidnapping Ghost Douches

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Okay so this was a recurring dream I had in grade 2 (I'd be like 7-8) and boi did it terrify me at the time.

So it would always start off with me being brought home from school and told my family was doing a scavenger hunt for three ghosts that were in my house. So little me was like "dope, demons and shit" cause I was the dumb blonde, let's be real here.

So I'd always find the first one in the bathroom, and I know it sounds weird but it makes a lot of sense to me. When I was younger, I had a lot of emotional problems (still do lmao) and whenever I started to feel angry or upset, I'd start crying.

I was really embarrassed because I knew a lot of the time that I didn't really have a reason to be upset, I just was, and would hide in the bathroom so no one would come in. They'd just assume I was taking a dump and leave me be to have a mental breakdown.

So I'd keep looking and just be hyped up to the gods because come on, who doesn't want to look for ghosts in their own homes, meaning it's haunted and the ghosts could be restless spirits looking for revenge (thanks Winchesters) ?

So I'd find the second one eating a bowl of cereal, which was such a mood. Like he could be terrorizing me, murdering me, the whole shabang, but no. He needed his daily bowl of cheerios at 3 pm.

So I'd go looking long and hard for this third ghost. I looked in my backyard, every room, every crevice, somehow managed to get on the roof, I was invested in this prize-less scavenger hunt for ghosts.

So after what felt like an eternity of ghost hunting, a little lightbulb above my head flickered on and it told me to use a flashlight, because that's kind of (not really) what they did in Ghost Adventures, my favorite show at the time.

So I grab a flashlight and start looking, and when I tell you I was a dirty child, I mean it. I found the third ghost on Mr cereals LAP!? Like they were just chilling and staring at me like I interrupted their late brunch "cuddle"...

So I run up to my dad and I'm like so proud of myself for hunting down some ghosts, but he's busy playing World of Warcraft (way too realistic ugh) and does not care at all that I won the thing he told me to do. So loving.

So I run back to the ghosts and just can't understand why tf he won't do anything about me being the new Sherlock Holmes of ghosts, and ya boi gets cared for by someone else.

One ghost grabs my leg and the others grab each arm and pull me down an endless hallway that used to be my wall, and just drag me away into the abyss, where I'd probably be presumed dead because my dad didn't care that I was an amazing ghost hunter.

The f-ed up part is that after the third dream, I talked to my dad about it and he told me to ask my recently deceased grandmother to make them go away, and guess what. I HAVEN'T HAD THAT DREAM SINCE THEN.

- Expert Ghost Hunter,


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