Tag the Monsters

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I know I just posted yesterday, but I woke up less than five minutes ago from my dream, and it was very strange so I'm going to share it with you.

So it starts off with me at white spot with my mom and my dad, and we're just chilling, but decide we're going to go to the beach. So for some reason, I call Annika and she's there in literal seconds, but I notice I have to pee, and we go into the mall bathroom.

When I say it was disgusting, I mean it. Every toilet had shit - yes, literal diarrhea - all over them, on the floors, e v e r y w h e r e . So I find one toilet that isn't totally revolting, and instead of peeing, I just vomit because of how nasty it is in there.

Somehow it's all down my shirt and I'm a total wreck, so I flush and walk out, tell my mom I might just need to go home instead, but she says no.

So all of a sudden, we're at my uncle's house and I'm waking up on the floor, looking up and seeing them play rummoli.

And then bam, I'm at my old school that I haven't even been to in six years, and we're all in the back field area with teachers from my other school two years ago.

Basically we're being told that our health is based on your size (and this thicc queen musta had lots of health) and to kill someone, you had to slap them. If you killed someone, than when you switched teams the next round, you could morph into a scary monster.

We had to wear these goggles for some reason and had to hand over all our phones, before going into the school. I have no idea what school the layout was from, but it certainly wasn't my old one.

So I start off as a hunter. I have to kill the monsters with my rapid taps. So I find a few people that I don't know, but everyone is from my school from last year. I should clear this up.

School grades 1-3: setting
School grades 4-7, teachers
School grade 8: people

I'm being a bawse, beating them monsters, when I find someone I know. So me and two other people tackle him and each of us sit on a limb because he's massive in this dream, and he could tap us to kill us too.

So we eventually kill him and he just disappears out of thin air, and we all move on to different things. I go back into the school, turn into one of the rooms and find three scrony girls that I've had classes with.

I manage to corner two of them, and tap them as the third just angrily watches me. The two just start yelling about how "this is so unfair", "you cornered us, this shouldn't be allowed", things like that. But I kill them, and the third girl gets away with one slap left. So I leave the room, go outside and just stand around the corner.

Sure enough, she winds up there and I tap her, and she looks me dead into my eyes like she can see my soul and starts screaming. "You knew I had to turn the corner! This is so unfair, I had nowhere else to go!"

She clearly doesn't understand strategizing, and eventually disappears. So I'm literally fuming because people are getting mad at me for playing the game right, but as I'm about to go find Ceara, the game ends and we can get our stuff back. At this point, everyone hates me and I don't care.

I put my goggles back and go to find Ceara, but I wake up before that can happen. So these are my dreams when I don't have my meds: diarrhea and monster hunting...


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