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Two days passed and it was New Years Eve. I wa nervous. I haven't seen all of the Overwatch members in one place before. Most of them just knew me as the Blackwatch janitor. I was starting to regret going in fear of people making fun of me. Most of them didn't know I was an actual Blackwatch member. I was constantly getting texts from cliants having to decline missions, because of a case of 'pneumonia'. I felt bad for lying to them and not getting paid, but I'm with the people who truly care about me right now. I got into my dress and put on makeup. McCree offered to bring me down since we were the only ones not at the party yet. It was all the way in Dorado in a small club at the edge of the city. We arrive in a jet. I walk inside. The music was loud and I could see a few familiar faces. Genji was in a suit, but still had a mask over his face. McCree was dressed nice, but his cowboy hat cracked me up. Ana and Angela were wearing their dresses too. They complemented me and I did so back. The party brought me into a smile as we began dancing and drinking. I found myself laughing quite a bit when McCree tried showing off his "killer dance moves". Eventually we ran into Jack and Gabriel. Jack was wearing a navy blue suit with a red tie and Gabriel was wearing a black suit with a dark green tie. My cheeks grew hot with blush. They both looked amazing, handsome even.

"You look great Y/N." Gabriel said smiling at me.

"You do too...sir."

He smiled looking down. McCree came up behind me.

"Hey Y/N! The bar is wide open! Let's get hammered!"

I wasn't planning on drinking to the point of getting wasted, but McCree took me off to the bar. I looked back at Reyes smiling. He shook his head and laughed a bit. We sat at the bar.

"One Singani for me and a Martini for the lady please." McCree asked the bartender.

He nodded and prepaired the drinks. After drinking mine about half way a slow song came on. McCree got up, stuck his hand out and bowed a bit.

"Care for a dance m'lady?"

I rolled my eyes at his funny gesture and took his hand. We went out to the dance floor. McCree spun me around a bit and rocked me in his arms.

"I haven't danced in years Jesse."

He smiled strangely.

"Really? I couldn't tell. You're a natural."
He spun me and I returned to his arms. I saw Gabriel come up behind him putting a hand on his shoulder.

"May I?" Gabriel asked.

McCree smiled cheekily and stepped back.

"Of course."

My cheeks were shot red. Gabriel grabbed my hand and began swaying  with me across the floor. I couldn't believe that my squad leader was dancing with me. I tried to avoid eye contact, but I knew that was rude when you're dancing. I looked back up. That stupid smile was making me giddy. He chuckled slightly.

"You seem nervous." Gabriel said raising his eyebrows.

I cleared my throat and flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Yeah, theres a lot of people. I hardly know any of the Overwatch members." I lied.

He looked at me curiously, narrowing his eyes.

"Hm." He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You're still bad at lying."

I went cold almost starting to shake. His soft voice was warm in my ear. He spun me. I've never been this close to him before. His strong chest against mine. We were in sync with one another as the delacate song played throughout the club. I looked around us constantly. I was so nervous.

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