The Wolf and The Moon

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Durring Gabe's suspension I decided to write Jesse a letter.

Dear McCree.
There's a story of a baby wolf that my mom used to tell me. The baby wolf looked up at the moon everynight wanting to have a friend. It was lonely in the forest, but one night the moon started to speak to the baby wolf. The wolf was frightened at first, but began talking back to the moon. They were having wonderful conversations. They would talk everynight and eventually became friends. One day the moon was talking to the baby wolf and it said...

"I love being your wolf friend. I can't wait to grow up and run faster than all the other wolves in the forest."

The wolf pup was confused. The moon believed it was a wolf, just like his friend. The baby wolf decided not to tell the moon that it was not a wolf in fear that he would lose his best friend. The days turned to years. The wolf pup had grown up to be leader of the pack. The moon hasn't spoken to him in years, but then one night the wolf is awaken by a familiar voice. It was the moon. It sounded like it was crying, so the wolf asked...

"What is wrong?"

"Is it true? Am I not a wolf?"

The wolf was shocked and looked down sadly whimpering.

"It is true."

"Y-you lied to me?"

"I wanted you to..."

"No, I can't bear it. I'm running away."

The next day for the next week the sun never came down. The moon was gone. The wolf and his pack couldn't sneak up on their prey and began to starve. The wolf scowered the forest for help and found a witch. She granted the wolf with the ability to grant wishes using a magic  necklace, but it came at a price.
The wolf had to give up his eyes.
The wolf hurried home. The moon finally came back and looked at its wolf friend who could no longer look back. The moon was terrified as to what happened to its friend. The wolf said that he could now grant any wish whether that meant becoming a wolf. The wolf explained that his pack has already wished him for food, so if the moon wished to become a wolf it could ask for it now.

I miss you Jesse. Lying is wrong, but sometimes is used to protect the ones we love from what is truly going on. Otherwise they might get hurt in the process. ~Y/N

I patiently waiting outside Jesse's room sitting against the wall. He never came out.

Most of the time Gabe was on suspension he was either arguing with Jack, punching bags in the training room, or giving me mad sex. Arguing with Jack is what I'm trying to scratch off the list. I went to Jack's office to talk with him. I heard him say come in and I sat in the chair across from his desk.

"Why do you and Gabe fight so much?"

Jack chuckled.

"It wasn't always like that. We were good friends when we met, but as we slowly grew we our polar opposites were beginning to shine through. For starters he was a city boy. I grew up on a farm. He had to ingore racist idiots. I was a racist idiot. There's more, but that's not the point. I'm sure Reyes has told you about his appointments with Moira. Everything about that is bad news. Whatever she is putting in him, it's killing him."

"He said that it was safe and he was in good health."

"Y/N with all do respect don't act like you haven't noticed. Gabe is Moira's test subject. She's doing this on him in hopes that it's going to work, but it's killing him. I've tried to reason with him, but he doesn't want to quite."

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