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Gabe grabbed my arm pulling me to the side. His mask getting close to my face. I could practically feel his breath through it.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I never said that I was a Talon Agent." I yanked my arm from his hand. "As far as I'm concerned, I'm still your prisoner."

He stared at me for a long time and sighed loudly.

"I don't want you to feel like a prisoner Y/N."

Doomfist spoke up.

"Is everything ok Reaper?" He asked.

Gabriel glanced over his shoulder.

"Yes sir."

"Then let's get back to work."

Gabe nodded and took me down a hallway.

"Why are you scared Gabe?"

"Stop calling me that in public."

Now I was pissed.

"Why don't you talk about the past...Reaper?"

He sighed loudly.

"Maybe because it's better off left in the past. My loyalty lies with Talon."

"What's so bad about the past? It was filled with good times. Why do you hide your past...Reaper?"

He started to raise his voice.

"I'm ashamed of my past! I felt like I've let myself and everyone down. Talon is a way for me to start over when I should have died."

"So you're ashamed of the soldiers you've taught in the past. Ashamed of the great leader you became to your squad. Ashamed of Genji, McCree,...and myself?"

"I-I didn't mean it like..."

"Bullshit...you are embarrased of us...aren't you?"

"That's not what I..."

I held my hand out. He stopped and looked down.

"I don't know if I can marry someone who sees me as an embarrassment, a weight, on their life."

"Y/N that's not what I meant!"

"Get your shit together Gabriel. I mean it. If you were embarrassed you wouldn't want to marry me. Please get your story straight before you lie to anyone else."

I sighed.

"Why did you join Talon...really?"

It took a long time for him to respond. He swallowed hard.

"I joined Talon to take out the rest of the Overwatch agents in this picture."

He pulled out a crumbled up picture from his cloak. I recongized the picture. I had the same one. It was a picture of all of us at the New Years Eve party 8 years ago. The picture had markings on it. There was a large red circle around Jack Morrison's head. There was a red x through Ana's head. Her daughter Pharah was there that night too. She stood right in front. There was an x through Angela's head too. McCree had his arm wrapped around me. I recongized his stupid ass grin again. Genji stood next to Angela. Gabriel was in the corner of the picture peering over his shoulder. Tears filled my eyes. I covered my mouth.

"Are, are they really gone?"

"I don't know for sure. I've assumed them dead. These aren't our friends anymore Y/N. They are traitors."

"I'm not choosing sides. I'm still not on either Talon or Overwatch, Gabe. Don't try to tell me which one is better than the other. These are still my friends."

Till Death do us Part (Reaper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now