Seeking Redemption

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She hasn't changed a bit. She's gained quite the attitude though. I missed her, but she'd hate me forever if she found out what really happened. I made a promise to her 8 years ago. I would always protect her, till death do us part. I've already broken that promise, but I want to fulfill it now. It's time.

The rattling of the cage woke me up. A gun was thrown into my bed. I woke up. Reaper's gaze haunted me.

"Get up, we have a mission." His raspy voice said.

I quickly threw off my blanket and grabbed the gun. Reaper quickly turned to me. All of a sudden it seemed like he was grabbing my neck, but when he took his hands away I was wearing some sort of collar.

"Run away and I shock you." He said.

I grabbed at the collar and sighed obediently walking behind him. We got on a ship. It was just the two of us. Must be a small mission.

"Where are we going?"

"To an Overwatch base."

I was wrong.

"What the hell?! Why?"

"To steal information."

I was scared. Does he really think that we are going to get by Overwatches advanced security, just the two of us.

"We may need to take out the guards, so be ready." He said lifting my gun to my chest. It knocked a bit of air out of me making me stare at his bone white mask sternly. I tried not to growl under my breath. We landed and snuck out of the ship. The base was about half a mile across this grassy field. The tall grass hid us, but it was still sketchy. I followed Reaper close behind. I noticed a metal machine that traced his spine, but I tried to ignore it. The guy was an asshole, but once again my curiosity got the better of me. I kept staring at it as we snuck, but somehow I didn't notice my hand reach for his back. I touched it. He flinched peering over his shoulder at me. He caught my glaze. I gathered my thoughts.

"I...was just wondering what your plan is."

He turned foreward.

"Just follow me and don't touch anything." He said sternly.

I nodded. We approached the building. Reaper nudged me and pounted to the guard at the door. I rolles my eyes and aimed my gun. The lens was too messy in the scope and their was no time to clean it. I removed the scope and aimed at it blind. I pulled the trigger. The body thudded to the ground. Reaper stared at me, but we continued through. The door was locked. Reaper waited to the side of it.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked.

Reaper didn't reply. I heard Sombra over his com.

"Ok, you're in." She said.

Reaper nodded at me and the door opened. I stared at it suprised, but followed him through it. We went up a small flight of stairs. He took out two guards. He was using shotguns. They were very similar to Gabriel's. I still miss him.

"Hey! They're on to us! Let's move!"

I nodded and we kept moving. We ran into three guards around the corner. Reaper quickly took out two of them, but the last one pulled something from his pocket.

"Stop right there!" He said.

We both turned to him. I aimed my gun at him. My eyes went wide. He was holding a grenade.

"Drop your weapons!"

Reaper stood tall a d looked at him sternly. He inhaled and quickly drew his guns.

"No wait!"

The man threw the grenade. Reaper grabbed me. We were both carried off the ground. The building fell apart around us. I flew across the terrain. My head hit the ground. I blacked out. The world slowly focusing. My eyes opened. I could see a faint face giving me mouth to mouth. It appeared to be...Gabe? At least I thought it was. My vision still blury. His face looked pale. He had lots of scars. His eyes were glowing red. I blinked shaking my head and looked up to see Reaper's mask. He shook me by the shoulders.

Till Death do us Part (Reaper x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now