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The air was warm and lacked moisture. The sun shown brightly above me, not a single cloud in the sky. I felt a soft wind lift my drench coat. It waved, but so did a bright red poncho. It waved several feet from my face. Right above sat an old hat wrapped in bullet shells. The hat looked across the canyon, or rather the man under it. There was no sound, just the soft breaze, but suddenly the silence was broken by a voice all too familiar to me.
"You still with that old man?"
I couldn't respond, but something told me that he had already read my mind.
"Why did you call me?" I finally asked.
There was a long pause. McCree's head cocked. One eye darted at me in judgment.
"Cause I don't wanna forget you."
I chuckled a bit under my breath.
"What's so special about me, Jesse."
The continued fear of speaking was erupted by McCree's evil eyes. His whole body turning to face me. He hadn't changed a bit. He still kept his firm hands positioned perfectly on top of his belt and still leaned slightly more on his left foot. His eyes narrowed and I suddenly realized that I still know this man. I wasn't scared anymore. I narrowed my eyes back at him.
"This ain't a joke, Y/N."
"I'm just asking. Why did you call me here?"
McCree exhaled loudly and looked down. His eyes dipped under his hat.
"Do you remember when I left Overwatch?"
I nodded thinking he'd somehow see me.
"I never went back. I remember you telling me that you were captured by Talon. Do you remember when I warned you about us invading that old Talon safehouse?"
I nodded again.
"I lied to you, Y/N."
There was a break in his voice. My eyes went wide.
"What are you talking about?"
"I told you that Overwatch was going to invade the base, but it was just me that night. I warned you the day before in hopes that you'd fight back and I could break you from Talon's hands, but y'all ran away instead."
My breath became shaky as I listened to these words.
"I need to ask ya somethin Y/N and I need ya to be honest. Did you join Talon?"
I stared in bewilderment for a long time. McCree lifted his head amd all of a sudden I could see the sadness in his eyes. I took a deep breath.
"I told Gabe that my loyalties were not with Talon. They kept telling me that I needed to join Talon to stop being their prisoner, but Gabe made the decision to quite Talon and escape with me. The answer is no, Jesse. No matter if they find me ot how much they torture me, I will never join Talon."
McCree's eyes grew wide as he took a deep breath out in relief. His fixed position was interrupted by his relief and he put a hand to his chest.
"Thank god." McCree said smiling.
I grinned back. I recognized. His laziness again and I stepped closer. He let me wrap my arms around him. He hugged back tightly and held my head close. I giggled at him.
"Is that all you wanted to know, cowboy?"
"Heh heh, yeah, I guess a part of me is still curious as to how Reyes treats ya."
"Very well. He's the best. Moira found a cure to his illnesses and he is finally moving around more. Oh yeah!" I stepped away to look up at McCree in excitment. I hopped eagerly. "Jesse! He proposed!"
McCree stared in amazement.
"What'd you say?"
"I said yes!" A small squeak escaped me as I threw my arms back around McCree. He chuckled.
"Congratulations Y/N, or should I say Y/N Reyes?"
"He he. It's not official yet, but I have so much planning to do!"
"Need any help?"
I looked at him curiously.
"Would you work with Gabe?"
"For you? Anything."
I smiled. C'mon were at my old place.

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