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Tatiana Thompson and Tom Holland were friends the moment they were both born.

Tom and Tatiana's parents were the most generic pair of friends you could have imagined. Natalia and Nicola were inseparable, the pair told each other everything! Everything from boyfriends all the way to the time they both got pregnant with Tom and Tatiana.

Since Natalia had already had one child before Tatiana, she felt as though she was the most prepared out of the two. She technically was! This came in handy as soon as her best friend was going into labour. Natalia drove her friends pregnant ass to the hospital even though she was as pregnant as Nicola was, just without the "going into labour" part! Dominic and Tobias, the girls' husbands, sat in the back of the car hyperventilating at the thought of anything going wrong with the loves of their lives.

They had made it to the hospital and had a gotten a room for Nicola. Soon after, Natalia calmly noticed she was also going into labour. She had mentioned it to her husband and a nurse and they got her settled in the open bed in that same room with her best friend.

You might think, what hospital allows for this to happen? Well, Nicola and Natalia would have killed the nurses and doctors if they didn't allow for this to happen. The two had always joked about have their children born at the exact same time as soon as they both found out they were pregnant.

On the early morning of June 1, 1996... Tatiana Taylor Thompson and Thomas Stanley Holland were welcomed into this world and never had to worry about not having a friend because they had soon become the inseparable pair like Nicola and Natalia.

 Tatiana Taylor Thompson and Thomas Stanley Holland were welcomed into this world and never had to worry about not having a friend because they had soon become the inseparable pair like Nicola and Natalia

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love, emily.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now