Goodbye 💕

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Hey everyone!! Thank you so much for all the support on this book! It has definitely been my favourite book to write. I have lost all inspo for continuing this story and I feel as though you all should know. I am releasing the very informal, not even complete, story plan on here. Maybe someday I will come back to this book and finish it but I have definitely grown out of it. Here is what the story of Girl Next Door had in store for its unforeseeable future. Once again, thank you for the support, enjoy what would've been Girl Next Door 💕


Tom and Tati go to comic con together. She does her Riverdale stuff and then goes to the Hall H panel (homecoming panel) Tati is announced to be playing Gwen Stacy/Spider-Gwen (about 10 minutes into the panel), childhood friend of Peter and Ned that also happens to get bitten by a radioactive spider and gets granted those same powers as Peter (she keeps it on the down low and has contacted Tony Stark about it). They go to comic con party's together and just have a great time there at their first comic con together.
Tom & Tati become closer in this time period. They flirt in interviews and panels now.

Tom goes to start filming Hoco in Atlanta, Tati goes to film Riverdale in Vancouver. They miss each other but they remember that they will be seeing each other in Atlanta for the filming of Hoco in mid August. They keep in close touch, FaceTime, etc. Tati finishes Riverdale in August and goes to Atlanta and the fun begins with Hoco!
They start flirting regularly without knowing it. Getting closer.

Time jump to New Years where Tom and Tati are invited to a New Years themed 20's party (flappers and all!) together and go as each other's "dates" (during the time between the end of filming Hoco to New Years, the pair have definitely gotten more touchy, more flirting and this has been made obvious to their family and friends. Their friendship is growing into something a bit more).
At the New Years party they dance, have fun, hang with friends and family. It is nearing midnight and the two sneak away from the party to adventure in the place the hostess rented out (hella nice house btw). They hear the crowd counting down. They are looking at the stars. Just centimetres away from each other. They look into each other's eyes and as the clock strikes midnight/people stop at zero... they kiss.

A few days pass without the famous pair talking to each other. For a full week, Tatiana tries to contact Tom. Harrison doesn't know about the kiss and thinks Tom is just in a mood. Tatiana finally takes it upon herself to go to Tom's house (it's a bit later in the evening so all his family is home). He answers and Tati asks if they can talk and he says yes but not at the house. Tom and Tati go to a local park. Tatiana brings up the kiss and Tom cuts her off saying "It was nothing, we drank and did something stupid." Tatiana says "That's a damn good excuse Tom! All we did was have one beer each and last time I checked we aren't lightweights." Tom says "Well what do you expect me to do?" Tati: "I don't know! Maybe not avoid for nearly two weeks. We have been friends for twenty years tom, a little kiss shouldn't change that!" Tom: "That's the thing. A kiss changes everything because it makes that little bit of love I have for you in me grow. And by love, I don't mean that platonic shit." Tati: "You love me." *silence* Tati: "So you think it's a good idea to kiss your best friend thinking that you can avoid her for two weeks without saying anything about it then when she asks you to talk about it you pull this shit? You act like you're the made one? That is complete bullshit! I needed you especially at this time! Fourteen years ago January 3rd was the day my dad died. I needed my best friend. Now I am here trying to what, get you back? The thing is I shouldn't be doing that. You put all this shit on me while I have to deal with other shit. You are ridiculous." *tati starts to walk away* Tom: "Tatiana please, I-"Tati: "No, now it's time to be a grown man and deal with your shit alone cause apparently you thought I could do it alone. Goodbye, Thomas."

February Tom goes to LA to do reshoots for Hoco, Tatiana attends the Riverdale premiere party in LA. Tatiana has a bit too much to drink and calls Tom. He gets worried and picks her up. He brings her to his hotel and takes care of her. In the morning when she sobers up, Tom apologizes and Tatiana accepts and also apologizes.

End of story plan.

𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐍𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 ( tom holland. )Where stories live. Discover now